
Well-Known Member
When putting my new wheels on today i found play in both front wheels ,drivers side seems to be the wheel bearing as theres no play in the swivel so i should be able to tighten then up but the passenger side has alot of play in the swivel

Holding wheel top and bottom while rocking it i can see excess play in the swivel ,so is that a case of replacing top and bottom swivel pins and will the swivel itself need replacing ?

Cheers im off this week so il take it to bits but with the amount of play iv got i think it may take more than removing shims to sort it
Had a look online at the parts drawing and looks ok but im gune get a manual before i tackle it
Fishing scales or luggage scales. Take the steering rods off and check how much force the scales read to make it turn via the steering rod connecting holes. It should be between 7-9lbs if its less, and mine would flop then remove the 2 bolts out the top of the swivel pin.(where the brake hose bracket is) remove a shim, bolt it back together and test it again. I had 2 shims in mine I took 1 out and now its fine and I've lost the vibration as I drive
Mine drives ok with no vibration but when jacked up the drivers side lower swivel bearing has about half an inch of play so il be lucky if removing shis is enough !!
Mine drives ok with no vibration but when jacked up the drivers side lower swivel bearing has about half an inch of play so il be lucky if removing shis is enough !!
If you have half an inch of play, it is unlikely that there will be any swivel bearing left to adjust. I thought mine was bad with about 3mm of play.:eek:

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