I thought mine looked crap, so cut the buggers off.......

I then decieded that I didn't like it without the plastic mouldings, so went out and bought a new set. Oh well, at least my plastic mouldings look like new again, (er, because they are).

The good news is that they are pretty cheap and a doddle to fit.

@Disco MoneypitI only found them at 150£....did you find them cheaper?
@WolfyDave wouldn't that be a perfect subject for a landyzone manual? :D
@smarty1972 I tried that, but I was worried about the normal paint. I didn't want to overcook that.http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/members/smarty1972.html
aparently a heat gun works i havent tryed it but if you put in faded bumpers in on youtube it looks like it works realy well
@Disco MoneypitI only found them at 150£....did you find them cheaper?
@WolfyDave wouldn't that be a perfect subject for a landyzone manual? :D
@smarty1972 I tried that, but I was worried about the normal paint. I didn't want to overcook that.

It was about three years ago that I did mine. I got a full set either from Paddocks or my local LR main dealer, (sorry, I cant remember which one).

If my memory serves me correctly, (and it doesn't always), they were about half the price you quoted, maybe a little less?

See YouTube- Restore faded plastics with heat which works like magic and lasts 1 year (but it will not work on the door handles and filler cap).

For those items use Smooth Peanut butter & it lasts for about 3 months.

YouTube- How to polish plastic with peanut butter!!!

I did mine and just wish that I had taken before and after pics!

Good Lick (oops luck)

Yeh tried the heat gun thing.... and to no effect..... these ones I got are proper FUBAR back ones anyway and the front ones are starting to go

Looks like a new set is in order
A new set sounds like an expensive route to go down Swampee.Mine are pitted and faded on my 2002 4.0 v8. Weather permitting,they will be getting colour coded Jave black tomorrow.
No wolf

These are proper FUBAR --- anyway anyone know how to get the old ones off and the new ones on ????

Old ones off? Dremmal, then prise away the retaining clips. Once you have them off you will likely need to give that area a good wash to remove any gunk. I also had a very slight amount of surface rust on mine. Simply flattened it down, Karusted, Hammorite primer, then white Hammorite top coat, (it's going to be hidden by the new mouldings, so doesn't have to be tidy).

The new mouldings should come with all new clips, so simply push them into place.

Easy peasey.
You could always colour code you new ones before you fit them. The Disco 2 looks toppa with them colour coded,i don't know why they weren't done at factory.
use a paint stripper heat gun and like magic they will be like new!

Or peanut butter (Smooth) but that only lasts for 2 - 3 months.

See both options on YOU TUBE

good luck

New ones got :D just need to fit them tomorrow... someone did say stick them on with some silcone glue... even though they have two strips of tape on them already

Old ones are coming off and being prepared for primming .. might sell them on the bay or might get some crazy idea about saving them and seein how long these new ones last for
When you've got the old ones off, try the heat gun trick, it should work .. then flog 'em on ebay when they look good ..;)
Swampey.....If ya want send me ya old ones along with ya paint code and i'll colour code them for you for just the cost of the paint.
Swampey...a bit of advice before you try and stick the new ones on tomorrow.

WARM UP the panels as you go with a hairdrier till they get to about 38 degrees because that is the bonding temperature of the glue on the strips on the new ones.

Gives better adhesion.(i think that is how you spell it lol)
Actually, don't bother doing 'em up, send 'em to me ... I could do with some but cba to pay ... ;)
Just got a new set to replase the old ones on my Disco, OE from Britpart has any body fitted a set of these or do I send them back?
Just got a new set to replase the old ones on my Disco, OE from Britpart has any body fitted a set of these or do I send them back?

Have you got Rave?

there's a section for accessories, shows you exactly how to fit 'em ... ;)
Where's a good place to get new mouldings from?
Son's Disco has bits missing (fell off / brocken off) and it would be a bit tidier with a full set.

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