
New Member
Hi All

Anyone else got the same problem/ issue , there looking fadded, tired.. feel as ruff as arse holes , like sand paper & seem to have lost there blackness / sheen..

Just wondering is it worth giving them a sand down with some 1200 grit to smooth them out then get some of that plastic dye... or just replace the buggers...
I got exactly the same problem... I tried "Back to Black" but it really should be called "Back to Slightly Darker Grey". Still look tired. I am thinking a bit of fine sandpaper and then matt black paint instead.
was thinking of doing the same to mine, washed the car yesterday ( normally get it done at tescos when doing shopping ) and had a good look at them, didn't realise how bad they looked, so don't know if to paint them or replace them.

03 d2 td5 auto e.s.
Ours has gone that way as well, it was recomeded to my dad to try black boot polish, hhmmm:confused2:
i know what you mean, most D2s at work go pitted on the edges.

we havent come up with a solution yet, but maybe some black vinyl paint would fill the pits.

a rub down would cure it but then you'd need to paint them with texture coat to get the finish back.

in fact, maybe just a light coat of texture coat (made by U-POL) would get them looking nice again?

I have the same on my car, but just to blacken them down i use scuff cover. The little bottle of black dye for doing your shoes, it has a foam pad on the top - 49p from morrisons. Darkens them down ok.
Apparently peanut butter works wonders on bringing up plastic trim. WD40 gives a temporary improvement. Many of the Back to Black / Armourall type products work but it may take a number of applications before you see any real improvement.

The best stuff I have used is Swissol (now called Swissvax) but be warned it is a touch expensive, btw swissvax wax is without doubt the best ever wax I have used - very expensive but worth every penny. If you want shiny paintwork and are prepared to do a proper job then this is the way to go.
Apparently peanut butter works wonders on bringing up plastic trim. WD40 gives a temporary improvement. Many of the Back to Black / Armourall type products work but it may take a number of applications before you see any real improvement.

The best stuff I have used is Swissol (now called Swissvax) but be warned it is a touch expensive, btw swissvax wax is without doubt the best ever wax I have used - very expensive but worth every penny. If you want shiny paintwork and are prepared to do a proper job then this is the way to go.

Yes a touch expensive but the do a Discovery kit :D
Swissvax UK - Discovery Kit
Hi all
I use linseed oil on all my plastics and its only costs a quid fron b and q just rub it on let it dry and then dust of .it lasts for ages to
Yes a touch expensive but the do a Discovery kit :D
Swissvax UK - Discovery Kit

Shield with paint rubber is the way to go; once the hard work is done it is simply outstanding and the wax lasts like nothing else. It is expensive to buy but lasts for quite a long time so in the long run probably not that bad. Mind you I wouldn't waste the stuff on my Rangie, that's got paint that looks like I washed it with a brillo pad:eek:
I'm picking up my Disco 2 on wednesday and mine are faded the same...By saturday they will be Java Black to match the car....Its an easy job to do...will be done in 4 hrs and they look the business the same colour as the car...Ive done 3 sets already for mates.
I'm picking up my Disco 2 on wednesday and mine are faded the same...By saturday they will be Java Black to match the car....Its an easy job to do...will be done in 4 hrs and they look the business the same colour as the car...Ive done 3 sets already for mates.
Do you paint them?
like the paint from the car itself? or just some paint on top to give it the standard finish?

I've been woundering if it would be possible to paint them.
But if I'm not mistaken, they are glued to the body, not?
Don't know if it's easy to refit them properly.

Regards, Koen
Hi Stormy......i dont remove them from the car and i use the same paint that the car is painted with.
This is how i do them:-
I mask them off around the wing,You got to be good at masking off so you dont get an edge when the masking tape is removed.Then i scuff them off with a scotchbrite and then panel wipe them off.leave for 30 mins so panel wipe is totally dried off,then i plasticote them,then use a good high build primer.let the primer dry and then flat off with 800 wet and dry.Then put on a second coat of high build primer and allow that to dry completely.Wet sand them with 800 wet and dry until smooth.Dry off with a cloth and then panel wipe to remove any remaining sanding dust. Allow to dry. Then i give 3 coats of base colour at 10 minute intervals and leave for 30 mins to dry.Then its on with the laquer,a light coat to start and then a further 2 coats at 10 minute intervals..Leave to dry for 1 hr depending on air temperature. Then i carefully remove the maskings around the wheelarch/wing.

Thats how i do it and they have all looked spot on.
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I use U Pol satin black aerosol on lots of items to refresh the colour and it lasts for ages, rubber hoses,all sorts of trim, door mirrors etc. I clean the surface well and spray light coats. It's cheap, worth a try.
Try using a hot air gun to get them black again,it releases the natural oils in the plastics but be careful of getting them so hot they start melting.
I thought mine looked crap, so cut the buggers off.......

I then decieded that I didn't like it without the plastic mouldings, so went out and bought a new set. Oh well, at least my plastic mouldings look like new again, (er, because they are).

The good news is that they are pretty cheap and a doddle to fit.
If you want a cheap way of mking the mouldings and all the plastics look new..Buy some of this...............Prestige Bumper Dressing....It is usually available from your local car body shop paint supplier..Its good gear and cheaper than painting them.

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