I would just ignore them and see what they do next :D

if it was a letter not sent signed for or email without a read reciept, I never got it :D
So an update....Planner has replied and said that i have 'unauthorised change of use of the land for the storage of vehicles'. So despite asking he's not referenced the planning rule or docs specifically...so i've asked again. I can only guess that he thinks ive changed the land use from C4 (house to B8 (storage)...which is not allowed. But that takes a lot of imagination to get to that idea!!
So an update....Planner has replied and said that i have 'unauthorised change of use of the land for the storage of vehicles'. So despite asking he's not referenced the planning rule or docs specifically...so i've asked again. I can only guess that he thinks ive changed the land use from C4 (house to B8 (storage)...which is not allowed. But that takes a lot of imagination to get to that idea!!
good for you. Have the w@nker quote bible and verse to you. ask them how about all the others that store there vehicles on there property when they park them.
Also ask them how many vehicles can a person own
I would ask him if you have in fact ever applied for a change of use at any time and had it refused; and if not and these are your legitimately owned vehicles all registered in your name that you are keeping on your private property and not on the road and with all relevant VED or SORN's in place then how is this any different from a multi-car family anywhere in the land? I would then ask him to state specifically what statute law is being broken and to get the councils solicitor to write to you with details of any action they propose to take because you would wish to pass this information on to your solicitor.
Failing that, get a solicitor to write to the council's legal dept with the suggestion that they stop harassing you.
So an update....Planner has replied and said that i have 'unauthorised change of use of the land for the storage of vehicles'. So despite asking he's not referenced the planning rule or docs specifically...so i've asked again. I can only guess that he thinks ive changed the land use from C4 (house to B8 (storage)...which is not allowed. But that takes a lot of imagination to get to that idea!!

He hasn't got a leg to stand on, every farm in Cumbria has one vehicle or another sat there rotting without storage permission so how they think they can enforce this on one private property without enforcing it on all would be interesting.
So an update....Planner has replied and said that i have 'unauthorised change of use of the land for the storage of vehicles'. So despite asking he's not referenced the planning rule or docs specifically...so i've asked again. I can only guess that he thinks ive changed the land use from C4 (house to B8 (storage)...which is not allowed. But that takes a lot of imagination to get to that idea!!
Does that imply that you aren't living there any more? Don't think they have a chance
So Land Rovers are the property of the OP and council is arguing change of use.

Now what does the property deeds show? Is the land referred to by the council the land which the residential property is situated on? Or is the land that the vehicles are parked on separate from the house be it by a road or an enclosed yard/fence?

If the land used for parking of vehicles is separate from the residential property then the council may have a possible case.

How does a stored vehicle compared to a stored caravan at a residential property? A caravan may well not move for months if not years so does the residential property need change of use for caravan storage?

Now many people have personal possessions not used for years such as push bikes etc in a garden shed. So change of use or what people are entitled to do in peaceful enjoyment of the property?

So need to get exact regulations under which they say you need planning permission.

Most councils have a website where there is a planning portal which gives guidelines on what you need permission for. Might be worth a read. Also might be worth a read on Local Government Ombudsman to get an idea what they can do.

Forewarned is forearmed
So Land Rovers are the property of the OP and council is arguing change of use.

Now what does the property deeds show? Is the land referred to by the council the land which the residential property is situated on? Or is the land that the vehicles are parked on separate from the house be it by a road or an enclosed yard/fence?

If the land used for parking of vehicles is separate from the residential property then the council may have a possible case.

How does a stored vehicle compared to a stored caravan at a residential property? A caravan may well not move for months if not years so does the residential property need change of use for caravan storage?

Now many people have personal possessions not used for years such as push bikes etc in a garden shed. So change of use or what people are entitled to do in peaceful enjoyment of the property?

So need to get exact regulations under which they say you need planning permission.

Most councils have a website where there is a planning portal which gives guidelines on what you need permission for. Might be worth a read. Also might be worth a read on Local Government Ombudsman to get an idea what they can do.

Forewarned is forearmed
Done a full search of all docs and policies and cant find anything relating to it. So i'm playing the game of asking him to clarify exactly what it is I've breached. Starting to get humorous with how bad they are.....except i pay the local council tax!
Done a full search of all docs and policies and cant find anything relating to it. So i'm playing the game of asking him to clarify exactly what it is I've breached. Starting to get humorous with how bad they are.....except i pay the local council tax!
Remind them that they are your employee, you pay there wages
Mingus, please do not take this wrong but does your property look like a scrap yard? If so I could possibly see someone arguing loss of visual amenity/detriment to local environment etc.

What is your local councillor like? If your house looks 'reasonable' . and not like an overgrown scrapyard then try to get them on side.

Now one of our local councillor got the planning people/highway department to put rumble strips on a road outside our local cricket club. Now the councillor has been a member of the cricket club for a number of years and his company had a big advertising sign on end of club building. I objected to the traffic calming measures. The grounds I objected on were there had been no accidents/injuries/deaths on that stretch of road which was dead straight, a narrow road (no centre line) and was a national speed limit 60 mph. Now traffic calming is supposed to reduce accidents (can not reduce below zero accidents), reduce traffic speed, improve environment etc.

The cricket club wanted a chicane or speed bumps on a 60 mph straight road with no junctions, no accidents etc on the grounds of safety especially children safety. Slight problem there was that most of the dangers were down to the cricket club. Gate took two guys to close so was left opened rather than repaired. Parking by visitors to CC was appalling, close to entrance ruining sight lines, parking on narrow pavement forcing pedestrians onto a narrowed 60 mph road.

Local councillor got ear ache from cricket club, who got local council to waste money installing a traffic calming system which does not work as most traffic has increased speed to counteract the speed rumble. I know I drive faster down that road due to the rumble strips, and I know where to ease off to change down for the bends at either end without any excessive braking

Planning officers attitude was that they had the legal right to put traffic calming measures in place. I never got an answer for a 'legal justification' for the traffic calming measures such as accident reduction, reducing speed limit, improving environment etc. The other course of reducing speed limit was not cost effective as it could not be readily enforced and no grounds on accident reduction etc.

Now contacting local councillor is a double edged sword. Get them onboard and they might help you but if they have had their ear bent by someone who has complained.........?
Councils can (and do) place enforcement orders on people who have turned their gardens into eyesores. Usually associated with crazy's who "hoard" everything.
As long as your vehicles are off-road and not an eyesore (subjective though that is) or are behind fences, then you are merely exercising your right to the peaceable enjoyment of your property.
Stick a picture (or two) up and we can all tell you whether we would like to live within eyesight of your car-park ;)

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