
Active Member
Ok so me and few mates are looking at doing a greenlaning trip to Wales somewhere. It will be June time but what we want to know is where to go? Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance.

Essex mud monkeys have just returned from our annual jolly to Wales, if you go to mid Wales you will have a good two days laning. Do some research on the subject, am I right in assuming your relatively new to green laning? When you have a better idea of what your looking for PM me and will try and point you in right direction. How many going how many motors. If you fancy it EMM are having a pub meet on Friday 6 March in Colchester CO3 i will be there along with others who will gladly give you some pointers. I doubt you will get many routes on a public forum as a lot of effort goes into sorting and checking routes.
Thanks fella, note taken. As I'm googling the hell out of Wales and it's all hidden.
Missus had a good point and mentioned maybe not going to Wales now and maybe anywhere in England which has a selection of challenging lanes. Done pay and play and enjoy it but prefer the joint adventure on lanes.
There's going to be 7ish people in 3 /4 trucks.

My new question to everyone is where abouts shall I go in England which has a good selection of lanes near by? Don't name lanes themselves just the place please. Thanks again.

P.s I'll have to see where I am around the 6th. Cheers
Shame you're not doing Wales bud, before you change your mind take a look for Strata Florida, happy valley or around Machynlleth on Trailwise.org. There's some truly fantastic green lanes in that area...

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