how do you get to it and also will my freelander cope? its a td4 btw.

i will be coming from the aberdeen side if anything. hoping to get out this comong weekend!!

Easy, leave Laggan Village (near Dalwhinnie) and head West along the minor road to Garva Bridge. Up until this point the road is fully tarmac. At Garva Bridge you can go over the old bridge, or there's a ford option... The road now starts to deteriorate (fantastic!) until the building (now a barn) at Melgarve (I assume you will have a 1:50 OS Map when you do this!). From Melgarve for the next dozen miles, we are looking at true green laning. A Disco/Defender would cross with ease, but the Freelander may need some careful spotting as the track can be washed away in places. Indeed I think there was some damage done a couple of miles after Melgarve last winter, and a bridge was washed away - and I don't know if it's been repaired. If you look on the OS map, you will see that a route for electicity pylons follows the Corrieyairick, and as far as I know therefore the electric companies do some maintenance to make this passable for them to perform maintenance on the pylons... The area is fantastic, and it's worth taking binoculars for spotting the hundreds of deer and the odd eagle/buzzard. A great day out!
cheers for the advice MartinK! think i am going to head up next weekend now, weather for this weekend to be prettty rank, and few mates are going to head up too.

have you see the video of corrieyairack on you tube? Just type in Corrieyairack pass and its 2 VW Touregs pretty impressive.

cheers again
is there any more feedback on this? new routes? nothing to heavy going. am already out west of aberdeen


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