Im not the biggest genius when it comes to engines but I like to think I know a thing or 2! So sorry if anything makes no sense!!
So I recently changed the glow plugs on my 300tdi 90 and on changing them i noticed quite a lot of oil on the middle 2? She has been burning a bit of oil and she needs topped up now and again! She also reeks quite a bit when you boot her up! So I asked a couple of folk and they reckon that the piston rings have gone? Is this likely to be the cause? Has anyone else had this? The engines got around 98000 miles and is out a 1998 defender.

Thanks for any input and advice!
I haven't tried that to see but i'll give it a go next time I'm up and see what like. do I just start it up with the filler cap off and have wee feel and listen?
just start it up, let it warm up a bit then while it is still running remove the oil filler cap REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR FINGERS WELL CLEAR OF ANY MOVIG PARTS, if it is smoking or breathing heavy it's a good chance its the rings. also i would have a butchers at the breather system just in case anything is blocked or pipes collapsing etc, it could also be valve stems worn, all these things are worth checking before you get too involved..

If your glow plugs are wet, it might be the valve stem seals letting some oil get by when the engine is stopped. They could also be wet from fuel if the injectors are high miles and leaking a bit when engine is off.
If the engine starts quickly and power is good, its probably not rings.
yeah normally starts first time, another thing is when i went to change the glow plugs someone had obviously buggered about with them before because the yellow cable wasnt attched to the 2nd 3rd and 4th because the crimp was buggered, could this be something to do with the oil on the glow plugs?

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