
Active Member
hi. my p38 is parked overnight under pine trees. recently lots of pine needles and other small tree bits have been falling on the winscreen and then falling down into what looks like the air con/ventilation inlets. (there used to be a sort of foam filter but i think it has been torn up by the wind over time.
does anyone know if this is likely to damage the car and should i try and replace the foam.
Good link i need to do mine too, but what a bloody pain in the neck for such a simple thing!! but who said anything was simple on a RR??

Many thanks for the info. thats a great link. Looks like i need to do this soon. i hope to report back on how i got on. perhaps if i cut a piece of wire 'gauze type material' to fit behind the foam it may help to stop crud 'cutting' through the foam and into the inlet? - any thoughts on such a modification?
Hi all
Yep gotta do mine too,,,but think i'll wait for one of you braver types to have a go first and hopefully report back!! :eek:
Fingers crossed..
Been there, done it !!!!

Its not difficult, I reckon hour and half, start to finish.

Chose a dry day if thats possible.
Just done it, rang the dealer up and he had the sponge in stock , £4.70 picked it up, the instructions are spot on, on the website, i went over the top and put blacking on the plenum grill and the side bits too, while i was at it i cleaned it all out and put white lithium grease spray ( easy to get to them hard to reach places) & general purpose grease on the wiper arms etc, looks like new now, very easy job

Just did mine 2 weeks ago...not a difficult job but time consuming.
remove the wiper arms.
The lower windscreen trim is held on with plastic clips which pop off
easliy.start from the middle and work outwards on each side. you can then ease the trim from beneath the pillar trims each side. The rest is held on with pozidrive self tapping screws, you will need a stubby screwdriver for some screws.
There is an earth cable on the passenger side going to the bonnet/hood.
pop off a couple of the bonnet insulation blanket fixings to get access to
a 10mm nut on the end of the cable. undo this, push the grommet on the
trim back through, you can then remove the passenger side trim easliy.
the rest is straight foward.
Whilst the intake is off you can check the heated windscreen earths that
terminate on a boss in the centre of the air intake area. Undo, wire brush
and reassemble with some vaseline to reduce corrosion.
My intake trim was very faded, so washed down and sprayed up with black
satin paint, also did the wiper arms...looks very smart
Just 2 or 3 things to add that the web site didn't tell you to do

Get new screws (most of mine were rotten and eaten away by rust)
Get stainless steel nuts for the wiper arms
The nuts and screws cost £1 at a good suppliers (if your near slough go to Apex fasteners in Ipswich Road)
And a small roll of double sided tape, when you pull the pillars out the rubbers come away from the top there healed in my double sided tape, and you'll have to replace that, a small roll is 75p

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