I think you will find this all started when Slob decided to maks a sexist comment, as you say its all banter but someone just seems a bit touchy.

no need for all this now is there?
wot? yer can't blame me if wumum's brains are better suited to shopping and crochet. if yer religious yer can blame gawd if yer not yule just have to accept that yer nevver be as gifted in the techicnkle matters as wot us blokes is
19 year old girlie who's into Landies and shootin eh?

well helllllllooooooooo!
as i say ur entitled to your oppinion...
ah can see yer a mite confused.. the wurd yer looking fer is facts . wot yer need type is

" of course Lord Slob your right and that is a fact us wumum just can't cope wiff mechanical things, anyway i have to rush off as i need to buy more shoes"
:rolleyes: ignore the oldies, welcome to landyzone.

burtonboy, i think she was calling you atiila-the-hun ;)

as you can tell bling 90's arnt all the rage here on landyzone. good luck fending off this lot of grunters :D

bling i think my landy has a bit of bling but pimp and landy just dont go together and dont let some on here get you down
the words 'pimp' & 'landrover' should never be used in the same sentence except in the following context

"I have just run over that pimp with my landrover"
If she asks how to make it go over bigger rocks and through deeper mud then I will be happy, we need a few more wimin type in this forum.

A barbie who likes playing with landy engines... not going to complain.
here's some tips.
1. no chrome!
2. 16" wheels with big tyres
3. don't drop the suspention, wear suspenders
4. dun't remember Rihanna is on the telly phrooooaaaaar crap song realy good video!
5. do away with the bonnet catch and fit a pair of bonnet pins
6. waiding kit and snorkel
7. dog guard with gun rack
do we have to go buy some chav hats and addidas track suits to drive landys now?
Does any one where i can get some bling riggers?

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