Off road a Spitfire? really? :confused: Not a f**king chance, it has straight body panels and nice shiny non-scratched paint - oh and f-all ground clearance! I have to take it slowly down farm tracks, it's not worth thinking about a green lane :eek:

Why it hasn't been to VOSA yet? Quite simply I leave home at 6:30am and get home in the evening - VOSA isn't open 24-7 you know. And yes, it is literally 2 miles away, is that really that hard to accept that someone could live 2 miles away from a VOSA centre? It was a nice surprise when i came to sort out my trailer test to find there was a VOSA place so locally :)

You clearly have no understanding of MOT's with old vehicles. They are MOT'd to the spec. of the MOT at the time the vehicle was built. In the case of both my series and my Spitfire that means that they do not require, for the purpose of the MOT seatbelts. That does not mean you can't have them, I think most if not all owners do, but, they are not required for the MOT. I'm not sure how fitting seat belts to cars which don't necessarily require them makes me know more than everyone else? It's standard practice for any classic car owner to add proper seat belts in a lot of cases... I'm really not sure what you're on about tbh. Would you be taking them out so it was original if it was your car then???
My apologies for not realising it is not even a Land Rover you are talking about - you didnt even mention it was a Spitfire until the bottom of your second post.There was me thinking it was a Land Rover forum.... Even so,as you say its not going to go off road, if the tester does not like the look of it they are well withing their rights to fail it. m4s03000601
As you say I have little knowledge of the the subject of vehicles,(Esp older vehicles) so perhaps you should ignore my posts.
But would you know what to do with the two bits of wood in a bottom gasket set for your Spitfire engine ?
My apologies for not realising it is not even a Land Rover you are talking about - you didnt even mention it was a Spitfire until the bottom of your second post.There was me thinking it was a Land Rover forum.... Even so,as you say its not going to go off road, if the tester does not like the look of it they are well withing their rights to fail it. m4s03000601
As you say I have little knowledge of the the subject of vehicles,(Esp older vehicles) so perhaps you should ignore my posts.
But would you know what to do with the two bits of wood in a bottom gasket set for your Spitfire engine ?
I weren't gonna post, but couldn't help it.
theres nowt in your link that says a loop should fail, end of the day its the testers descression on it, tho I would have expected an advisory rather than a fail. I would want to know his reasoning for failing it.
I feel your being rather antagonistic, but hell, that's the spirit of lz aint it!
as someone else said, lets see a pic of the loop :D

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