Didn't get round to much today my boss had me doing other stuff.

Fitted my wing skin:


Welded up the last hole in the pillar:


Managed to actually get my landy into the garage today, it been sitting outside in the rain with no wing and door for too long!


looking good there fella, some helpful tips and photo's that'll come in handy doing our Defender repairs :cool:
keep up the good work ;)
Finally got my wing and door back on! :)




Also my steering Boss arrived today from northwestminis £21.50 with a landy logo, after a bit of searching through my boss's stores, which is more like a cave of useful scrap I found this steering wheel which is just the job, well happy with it.

I really like that, what colour is it?

Its a hammerite industrial acrylic, cant remember the exact name i'll have a look on the tin when i next go to the garage.

Its the closest paint i could get that is nearly matalic looking, but is still a straight colour with no lacquer required, so i can still polish scratches out of it etc.

Should be pretty durable too.
Coming together nicely! I need to expand my practical skill I think, My doors are in bad shape and there is a nasty hole in the passenger footwell! :/ That is my next job, got a friend who has a welder so we will tackle that when the sun comes out and stays out :)

But that will be a lovely landy once complete :)
That looks fantastic , love the colour, am still thinking what colour to paint my 90 , and thats high on the list

Well done
Got my landrover home now,

Today i Fitted door locks and handles.


You have to push the little button to remove the barrel after undoing cross head screw.


Heres a useful picture of the rod assembly in the o/s door.


I also couldn't resist fitting the Bullbar even though i'm not really ready for it yet.

Looks a beast!

Fitting the rear side glasses, Took me an hour to do the first one and then 1/2 hr for the second, not my favorite job i can tell you.


I was told to put the inserts on the out side, but i thought they are better on the inside for better security.

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