anyone recommend an alternative supplier than paddocks who do the spare wheel carrier that opens WITH the door, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease i'm gettin desperate here

Rafa, are you wanting me to take more pics for you.
No smutty one mind just my wheel carrier this time. ;)
hey all!been gone for a while, had an offer for me landy so I................DECLINED IT!!!still a proud landy owner, anway got me spare wheel carrier (same as busters!)

came with a confusing amount of nuts and bolts, strange 'pin like things' and extra bits of metal!Let the confusion begin!!!
hey all!been gone for a while, had an offer for me landy so I................DECLINED IT!!!still a proud landy owner, anway got me spare wheel carrier (same as busters!)

came with a confusing amount of nuts and bolts, strange 'pin like things' and extra bits of metal!Let the confusion begin!!!

Have fun Rafa, my one was missing fixings and the instruction were inaccurate :rolleyes: I just improvised in the end.
aye tell me about it!the 'instructions' look like they've been draw by a drunken rat with a crayon tied to its back, then photocopied a million times to a nice faded distorted finish!
aye tell me about it!the 'instructions' look like they've been draw by a drunken rat with a crayon tied to its back, then photocopied a million times to a nice faded distorted finish!

Oi ya bastid.:mad: Thats the best I could do at short notice. My mum don't like me using felt tips cos she rekons they're a fecker to get off the wall.:eek:


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