
Well-Known Member
Off to pick up my Landy, train journey and nice drive home ( hopefully! )

Any tips i should expect from the journey, it is an old 1988 version, SWB with a standard TD engine in it, so expecting some noise all round and abit of leaking here n there....
expect it to break down so take rac/aa/green flag membership n mobile and a coat.It gets cold waiting for the flatbacks to turn up.Take a can of dezul(dont trust the guage) and some water.Check ya got a servicable spare, jack brace.Holy bible maybe if yer that way inclined?
RAC - Check
Diesel - hmmm will grab a can on the way back in case
Coat - Check
Will & Final testament - check

That covers the basics i guess, if anyone spots a Landy on the side of the M5 southbound, give a maybe me ;)
Depends what the engine is like if like mine which has done 170K andwill still go at 80mph without much of a problem then you will be fine. If on the other hand it's like most of them then:-

1) I'd take a 200tdi engine with me! - May be just as quick to change it before driving home (takes around 1 1/2 days if you have everything ready)

2) Take a phone with internet access on so you can let us know where you have broken down

- Being serious for a second - I would check all the oil levels (BOTH diffs, the transfer box, and the main box and the engine(this WILL be low!)

- When you get home - Drain the fuel tank out, wash it out with white spirits/petrol etc, change the fuel filter and bleed out the system.

- Oh and you may want to take a fuel tanker with you as you may find you spend quite some time filling it up with fuel!
I'm alive :)

On my phone so ill be short n sweet, its great fun to drive and very weird in a good way!

Currently @ micheal woods services having a drink then on my way home to torquay. Taken a few pics will upload later
I'm alive :)

On my phone so ill be short n sweet, its great fun to drive and very weird in a good way!

Currently @ micheal woods services having a drink then on my way home to torquay. Taken a few pics will upload later

Just down the road from me , well ish lol . check for leaks as your there and for hot hubs + under bonnet levels .

Have a safe one back , roads look clear anyway :)
Wet right leg, deafness, viberation whitefinger, steering wheel grove in his stomach because the seat won't go back, sore throat from shouting over the engine noise, soiled pants because there is **** loads of play in the steering so he's playing pinball between the central reservation and hard shoulder after hitting a pothole, disrupting air traffic because of an 19j equivalent ash cloud, repainting White lines black with engine oil. And all that whilst being towed.
Spoke too soon, she keeps cutting out on the motorway, but starts again straight away, limped into gordano services. If you have any advice, 07898787178 I don't want to rac home just yet...
Check your fuel for starters, as mentioned above dont trust the gauge! if fuel is low she might dirt in fuel filter

if its been parked up for a while the filters wont be in great nic!

is there much smoke at start-up? when you accelerate? (this will give an idea of general condition of engine)

is temp ok?

Id give ya a call but i really no feck all! but the answers to the above might help someone else help you!
I was thinking fuel too, topped her up last stop, drained the fuel filter for abit, will give it another go and re connected a loose wire as well
Where was the loose wire ? , if it was on your fuel pump id say thats your prob . when it dies does it just cut out and stop or does its splutter then stop ? + do you have any tools with you ? .

Sat in bridgewater, no issues getting here, whatever it was has hopefully cleared itself .

I have the biggest grin on my face and as i walk back to the landy from the services I get a flutter inside everytime I see her.

Trundles along at apprx 65 so got an hour or so before home and I have been apologizing to everyone for flashing them everytime I indicate.

Hopefully the rest of the journey will be uneventful and BTW, anyone else get a.sore elbow resting it on the door frame?

Cheers all for the advice

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