
New Member
A few nice surprises, insurance less than quoted, tax less than I thought, and seller cocked up on deposit receipt so ended up paying 100 less, should've put the lottery on
Save the £100, put it on lotto and hope it wins some more.........you'll prolly need a grand to sort the probs they didn't tell you about / know about! :D:D
Sounds like someones heading for three faults to offset your good luck. I'm going to say EAS, battery and HEVAC.
1996 2.5 dse, been loving the last couple of days cruising round in it, getting approximately 21mpg, very good ride although needs tracking done

Glad you got it and apparently happy, though why do peeps keep going for oil burners when they really are not that economical is beyound me;
Gotta be a V8 & petrol at that.....sounds much nicer, no oil fumes, and more powerfull............and still average 18mpg round town!! :cool:
1996 2.5 dse, been loving the last couple of days cruising round in it, getting approximately 21mpg, very good ride although needs tracking done

Check the leak off pipes, unless you have lead boots you ought to be getting better mpg than that, double the 12mpg a lot of the V8's manage, and more torque than the V8 too with a power box and torque is what you need for mud pluging is it not?
you nee torque to drive these heavy things on the road
My v8 makes a lot of noise but no go, painfully slow coming out of a round about up a long hill on the way to my office
The lancrusher diesel I used to have was so much better torque wise but body roll was interesting
Check the leak off pipes, unless you have lead boots you ought to be getting better mpg than that, double the 12mpg a lot of the V8's manage, and more torque than the V8 too with a power box and torque is what you need for mud pluging is it not?
I have been enjoying the power in the engine, the kids love the sound of the car when I put my foot down, and to be completely honest so do I ha ha ha
put the 100quid in the tank.:D
Hi Juicy you got any parts for the light guards i need the brackets for the two rear outer guards and the square lugs are they called that fit in the guards and the plastic screws that fit inside em if you have not got them any idea where i can get them im im Manchester kind regards Jeff.
Hi Juicy you got any parts for the light guards i need the brackets for the two rear outer guards and the square lugs are they called that fit in the guards and the plastic screws that fit inside em if you have not got them any idea where i can get them im im Manchester kind regards Jeff.

not personally sadly, but if you pm me your vehicle details i can get a trade price for you??
1996 2.5 dse, been loving the last couple of days cruising round in it, getting approximately 21mpg, very good ride although needs tracking done
Mine same year and engine as yours and im gettin 27 - 28 round town i find changing oil an filter helps alot and air filter soon gets clogged keep ure eye on yours hope this is useful to you regards Jeff.
New comers are advised to look up EKA and EAS reset....now. Working on sod`s law principles you`ll never need `em, but if you ain`t got `em...Welcome to the world of Rangies where if it can go wrong, it will.

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