Greenlane liker, bobble hat hater
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Some pics from last week, me and Dan did some midweek lanes in worcester and stratford.


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i must say i do like those lanes i must get back to them ......lost a wing mirror down one of them last time i went ... great pics
Great pics Matt. Wouldn't mind driving some of those lanes again ain't been that way for a while.
im still to make it to a day out with you guys yet.

i know its a few weeks away yet and not green laning but would anyone be up for a pay and play day at avon dassett the start of sep?
I have to go to switzerland next week fellas but the weekend after (the 20 or 21st) we are going to wales laning. Your all more than welcome. i think were doing wayfarer and some local lanes to there. The more the merrier.

You guys have some good lanes over your way, again your more than welcome to come over to north brum for a days laning, when the rain arrives and its a little less bone shaking.

cheers all, for a little point and shoot it does the job quite well. have to de size the images though when uploading as there nearly 2.5mb each.

Dan knows where the lanes are if he can remember them :D:p

Still got other lanes bridgnorth i need to look at aswell so if any of you chappies are up for a laning day id be up for it.

cheers all, for a little point and shoot it does the job quite well. have to de size the images though when uploading as there nearly 2.5mb each.

Dan knows where the lanes are if he can remember them :D:p

Still got other lanes bridgnorth i need to look at aswell so if any of you chappies are up for a laning day id be up for it.


Matt, theres more chance of you kissing the pope than me remembering where all those lanes. are...i can only remember where the last lane and aston cantlow ford is :doh:
cheers all, for a little point and shoot it does the job quite well. have to de size the images though when uploading as there nearly 2.5mb each.

Dan knows where the lanes are if he can remember them :D:p

Still got other lanes bridgnorth i need to look at aswell so if any of you chappies are up for a laning day id be up for it.


We'll have to try and sort something out then.
Pics look great! Am keen to get out too, not much experience, but quick learner!! Could I tag along on a jaunt??
Pics look great! Am keen to get out too, not much experience, but quick learner!! Could I tag along on a jaunt??


Yeah sure the more the merrier. :D We dont go racing off or anything so if your new its not a problem.

Put your location on your profile so we can all see where your from(Its easier for technical questions aswell, there might be someone in your area who can help)

There is a group of us in north brum, one of us usually posts in this section when we have a new trip going out. Look out for the "greenlaning in warwickshire" thread.

your more than welcome.

looked like a great day out.

note to self, get on your ass and fix the bloody disco so you can go laning again lol

^^^ I need a new thermostat switch for the fan and need to rewire the fan and clean the starter motor after a bit of a "enthusiastic" trip straight through the middle of mud run at billing twice lol :: IMG 2508

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