This was before i knew what trouble i would have with this thing, not exciting or dangerous but it was our honeymoon period and i was hooked!!!


Glad i took that kiddie killer off!!!
muddy bottom p+p site nr southampton

if yer thinking of a trip any time give me a text(take it ya still got my number?) the doris says she would like to have a go at that (she says the plains is boring after doing it a few times :D)
would'nt mind having a crack at it some time
if yer thinking of a trip any time give me a text(take it ya still got my number?) the doris says she would like to have a go at that (she says the plains is boring after doing it a few times :D)
would'nt mind having a crack at it some time
will do ..fink theres a sunday at the end of the month

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