
i cant seem to up-lode photos its saying they are too big normally i just send my photos to photo bucket then insert them but now it says image to big i am no good at all this resizing stuff i just want to up-lode a picture any ideas
In the meantime you can set the resolution lower on your camera though this is the first time I've heard pics via a 3rd party site won't upload.
I've found sometimes you need to resize the pictures on your computer before uploading them. If you try resizing them in Photobucket, it doesn't necessarily transpose the changes to Landyzone when you link to a picture with the img code. Makes them look a different size in Photobucket though. if you do all the editing on your own machine, or on the camera, Photobucket won't get a chance to share its bugs with the world.
Depending what the image format is PNG or JPEG if you double click on your image you can call up a application MAC Preview or Windows media. Each will allow to select or cut the image (CLIP) which will reduce the size of the file. EG 1mb to 250kb
Instead of uploading via the photo option, click on the 'upload file' icon, found via the more options button, select from your photo album. This then gives you the option to upload full size or thumb nail. Hope that helps.:)

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