
New Member
I very nearly put petrol in my 90 yesterday. Thankfully I stopped myself, but it started a debate between myself and my mate. What would happen if you put in about 50p worth of unleaded? would filling the tank dilute the mix enough to make it negligable? or would it be enough to cause major damage?
2 Months ago a spotty little s*** pump attendant got 25 litres of unleaded in my disco 300tdi before i stopped him.
( me chatting to wife, against my better judgement)
We filled the tank to the top with deisel (FREE) and although she pulled like crap for a day or two untill i got more deisel in she still ran quite well.
In the 50s & 60s truck drivers used to put 10% petrol in the tanks in winter to stop it waxing before the advent of anti waxing addatives.
Its a bit like adding petrol or ethanol to diesel to thin it out. They do this in areas with very cold temperatures where diesel congeals.
spoke to my mechanic...

he said it'd be good for it, it'd clean the injectors and probably run slightly better after.


i might have to go and do it now

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