if the temp gauge is still working - no.
try removing the sender wire and touch it to the chasis / body - if the gauge goes to full its the sender, if it doesn't move its the gauge or a wiring break.
ok thanks the wiring under the seat is very shoddy is that the sender wire ??
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Mine ranges from full down to nearly full which means empty. I took out the sender and wiggled it and no difference so new sender to be ordered.
Under the drivers seat you will see the sender. Should have three wires on it plus a fuel line. Do the check that wantaquad suggested but if nothing then I suggest that you remove the sender. You can do this by undoing the fuel line first and un hooking the wires (take a photo so you remember which ways the wires go back!) and then there is a metal ring with three tabs that twists anti clockwise I think. The sender is held in by this twist ring pushing against the lip of the tank. You can then lift the sender out, its just a long tube for sucking up the fuel with another piece of metal with a float on it that rises and falls with the fuel level and the arm of the float drives a rheostat that indicates the fuel level. Get a new sender, they are cheap. Fit that and if still nothing then you have a wiring issue which is a pain. Good luck!
My gauge was stuck on full but the low level light still worked. Turned out to be a faulty gauge. Fitted a new one and all good. I have another working spare too if anyone needs one! :)

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