Bolt is definitely not too long. I think that it's down to the washers (will double check that there are two) being too sticky. WD40 should do it.

Will update as and when. I didn't choose the matt black in the photo by the way, but it makes a change from green or blue. I didn't install the Exmoor Trim high-back seats either (£££ !) but they are infinitely more comfy than the original foam squares.
Yeah... got the Exmoor seats in mine too... very comfy, even given my more than ample size and weight!

Just wedged a piece of wood in there to stop the lozenge turning, then tightened the bolt. Took it for a run and then re-tightened everything.

No exhaust leaks. But now the sôdding speedo has stopped working. Wonder what I could have done to do that.... Will have a good check before posting anything.

Many thanks for all advice received.
If your owt like me you'll have moved it when fiddling with the exhaust then it will have melted itself against the exhaust! I've done that a few times now even though I keep clipping it up I then have to unclip it and forget to put it back...
Evening Dominic.

I did unbolt the exhaust middle section so as not to stress the bit where it joins the manifold, so what you said is indeed possible. I will have a look underneath tomorrow and let you know if I find anything obvious.
I had a similar problem on my series 3 rebuild. I ran a tap down both studs to fit nuts I had , then did them up together, after using exhaust cement to seal joints.- no probs since.
Re- DominicBeesley's suggestion:

If I melted the outer cable so that the inner one couldn't turn, does that mean I may have mullered the bit at one end where the cable goes into either the speedo or the part of the gearbox that turns the cable? Or is the cable itself the weak point and the ends will have rounded off?

Any ideas?
If I remember correctly, the speedo cable goes into a placcy housing that fits onto the end of the drive shaft on the gearbox, so it might be that you have rounded the inside of it.
They're tougher metal ones on series - defender ones are plastic. On mine when it's got warm the cable has destroyed itself but done no harm to the speedo or the gearbox end. First thing to try is pop the end off the speedo and see if there's a nice square end and see if it will twist round freely. If it does there's a break in the cable.

Cables aren't expensive but a bit of a faff to fit them correctly, especially if you have an overdrive.

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