New Member
Have a Perkins 4203 in a '74 RRover. Runs and pulls splendidly but oil pressure goes low (light on) at operating temp. Anyone have experience of diagnosing these?
best thing for that engine is in the scrap pile...perkins ****e tractor engine in a rangie indeed!!

however,if you must carry on insulting charles spenser king, then..pressure switch first,then oil and filter change then...scrap it..cos it aint worth rebuilding if mains or big ends gone..

but really...the worst engine choise for a rangie ever...fit a jap diesel ..
Thanks for replies. The contempt for the Perkins not un-expected, posh RRover owners being blissfully unaware of how the other half -we poor relations - live. However we've got what we've got and will hang in there, so to speak. Seriously though zen, I'll follow the tips (already put in a new pressure switch and changed oil an filter of course). Thing is - the Perk is so noisy (no guffawing pls) that I couldn't tell if the bearings main or bigend were rattling - I've compared the sound with a known good working engine and can't tell difference. Thought it might be the oil pump failing but that too is a hassle to replace and I don't know how to test it in situ. Re Jap, yep, there's a popular Daihatsu 2.4 -2.8 (?) conversion even with auto transmission if fortune favours
Thanks for replies. The contempt for the Perkins not un-expected, posh RRover owners being blissfully unaware of how the other half -we poor relations - live. However we've got what we've got and will hang in there, so to speak. Seriously though zen, I'll follow the tips (already put in a new pressure switch and changed oil an filter of course). Thing is - the Perk is so noisy (no guffawing pls) that I couldn't tell if the bearings main or bigend were rattling - I've compared the sound with a known good working engine and can't tell difference. Thought it might be the oil pump failing but that too is a hassle to replace and I don't know how to test it in situ. Re Jap, yep, there's a popular Daihatsu 2.4 -2.8 (?) conversion even with auto transmission if fortune favours

If oil light on at idle from cold. Oil pressure relief valve stuck open. If oil pressure cold but none or low when hot main bearings shot. Big end bearings tap, main bearings rumble when duff.

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