
New Member
Hi All,

I've just bought a 1984 90 which has had a Perkins 3.9 engine installed. The bulkhead needs replacing which is currently underway. But, I was thinking whilst I'm there would it be better to replace the Perkins with a 200 Tdi?

For reliability and availability of parts etc. I've never owned or had experience with Perkins previously.

It's one of the best, most reliable engines ever, which is why a lot of them went as main engines in boats.
I loved my perkins, spares are easy enough to get they arent a rare engine just a bit big and heavy.

It will go on for ever if treated right and you cant argue with that lovely low rev torque, mine would pull a house down no problem, buggered if you wanna go over 55 ish though, maybe look into gearing rather than an engine change if i was you mate.

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