
Active Member
Hi guys, so I am looking for some advice please- the best way to start these old engines- I have ear defenders and love the grunt (even kept ip with a series with a 200tdi
In a mid town drag race:)), however the starting in a bugger:-(

So how good is it when glow plugs (4) are put into the manifold and replace the old fire- heating system? Anyone done this?

Don't really want to start the car with easy start- but will resort to this if glow plugs aren't worth it.

Cheers for any advice
i have a perkins in one i am doing up and the way it starts id awesome, doesnt turn over, it just starts, amazing, a fraction of a second with the startermotor and roar!
i guess there is something amiss.
Ok thanks for that, I'll have to think what could be amiss if yours starts that easily (mine takes about mins! And smokes the world out till warm)

You are right- the heater is awesome!
easy start=easy fecked..

check glow plugs and timing...advance awee bit if glow plugs are good..

check compression too..
The reason it's not good to use easyfart habitually is it produces a much more explosive burn rather than a heavy oils gradual burn.....effectively producing all the power too early putting an enormous strain on the engine before it's even had a chance to get any oil pressure up

It's why they knock so much when you use it
I would never use easy start do not fear that! And I currently have no glow plugs! So can't check those. My flame thrower works ok so will try advancing fuel a bit this weekend and let you know what happens.
I just happen to have in my hot, sticky little hand a 12V 054 diesel fuel start plug off a Perkins! If yours is the same type and it screws into the inlet manifold, it should fit.

Let me know if you are interested.
I just happen to have in my hot, sticky little hand a 12V 054 diesel fuel start plug off a Perkins! If yours is the same type and it screws into the inlet manifold, it should fit.

Let me know if you are interested.

had to reread your thread here:rolleyes:thought you was talking about a 12v54 gray marine engine you was putting into a series/defender
This is what I was talking about!


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A C.A.V Mk2 cold start aid!:cool:Got one in my Perkins engine tractor,Much better than glow plugs for indirect injection.Ive had 4203 before Great engines!
A cold start aid huh? How does this better the current flame start system in a 4.203? Does that add additional heat in the manifold itself?
It is the flame starter! You should have one in your inlet manifold and it needs power and clean diesel,you should be able to see tha flame! If its working your engine should start OK.If not post some more about your starting problem. You need a large battery in good nick to start these,also fuel and air filters worth a check;) I would look at battery and cold start aid function first tho:)
ok so flamethrower works fine, and flame is good but when cold still takes ages to start )3 attempts normally) with loads of smoke (greyish)
so i think i will try the cleaning of the filters, and put jump leads on to see if having more power will make her fire up quicker.
once warm the engine will start up straight away!
will post more after i have tried these things.
I think you are onthe right track with the jump leads,you need good cranking speed on these,I had a Volvo truck battery in the back of my 4203 engined 109.Change the fuel filter and clean out any gook or water in the bowl.If its still really sluggish it might be worth settin the tappets or getting your injectors serviced.Start with good cranking spped though.Best of luck,keep us posted;)
Ok so jumping with leads for extra cranking speed didn't help, cleaned out a mucky fuel filter which didn't help. Could by undersized exhaust be a problem?? Am leaning towards fitting a td or na 2.5 now!!!
Ok so jumping with leads for extra cranking speed didn't help, cleaned out a mucky fuel filter which didn't help. Could by undersized exhaust be a problem?? Am leaning towards fitting a td or na 2.5 now!!!
I doubt if its the exhaust,especially as your vehicle ran OK before.Set the tappets,it may be your valves are barely opening! Remove a fuel injector and attach it to a fuel pipe so you can see the fuel spray,should be a fine mist not a solid jet.Or take the injector for testing! If still no joy a compression test might be good. Be very careful with 2.5td unless you know its 100%, old worn ones can be big trouble. Your perkins will likely run for ever if you can start it
Ok thanks- I had a td before was good as gold so willing to try another one. Given up on Perkins as not allowed to trial with a non landrover engine:-(

It makes a great rumble noise and is gutsy as hell so will be a shame to let go but hey! A mans got to trial!!

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