Haha had an old coont stop in the middle of a lane many moons ago refusing to reverse addement he had the right of way and i was to reverse my tractor and big full silage trailer 200 yards to a passin spot instead of his 40, I got off the tractor held up the keys and offered the challenge ' if you think you can reverse it up there quicker than you can back up to your spot in your ****ty golf go ahead, he then decided it was easier to back up
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Said the same to people myself mate.Down here we have narrow lanes with stone hedges often no rear view at all.What the feck do they think you can do:confused::confused:.It always seems to be landies, shoguns and big shiny cars anorl.Ive told them to get out and reversed it myself before.Sometimes fancied plonking a big bale on the roof of the car when ive got one on the loader:D
i clean mine regular.... ever since the mot guy moaned he had to be able to see all the lights , its been done once a year without fail.
branches will scrape mud off leaving the paint below untouched.... same reason i wear a woolly hat in midsummer when i take the ride on mower near the roses.
think the problem is that most people didnt get taught more reversing than needed for going round a bend so have never got the confidence and this when coupled with a "I'm better than you cos I got a new car" attitude leaves em and us stuck in some form of standoff.
my instructor was wierd he insisted that before I took me test I could reverse at speed in a straight line for a 100yds - dunno maybe he thought he was training getaway drivers.
as for facing off against a loaded tractor/trailor - get out of it's way they'm working
think the problem is that most people didnt get taught more reversing than needed for going round a bend so have never got the confidence and this when coupled with a "I'm better than you cos I got a new car" attitude leaves em and us stuck in some form of standoff.
my instructor was wierd he insisted that before I took me test I could reverse at speed in a straight line for a 100yds - dunno maybe he thought he was training getaway drivers.
as for facing off against a loaded tractor/trailor - get out of it's way they'm working

was it followed by a J turn and a ram through a roadblock?
when confronted by the usual school bus ford galaxies ect in the tight side roads near my house, if i have right of way but "karen" fancies a pop at my classic rangie lol, i keep driving with a smile untill few inches away then point at my winch bumper hahaha. that always always makes them move. love my range rover. we all should start taking a sneaky photo of our attempted challenges and compare what we have made move over.
I can reverse through any gap I can fit down and I'm 16. There really is no excuse.

congratulations........ you have reached where i was at 13........ i started driving on the farm when i was 11/12 in cars and before that i was driving dumpers and forks
congratulations........ you have reached where i was at 13........ i started driving on the farm when i was 11/12 in cars and before that i was driving dumpers and forks

It wasn't a brag it was a rant at shiny school run drivers who seem to think going back down a road they know is big enough because they just came up it, is rocket science.
got me hair off with a bitch who kept parking her merc outside me mums house over the drive for days on end makeing it nearley impossible to get me mums car on and off the drive so i started parking me series 3 on the drive and scuffed her mercedes road ornament a few times she couldnt prove anything as there wasnt a soddin mark on me landy haaa haaa
the trich me mate used to use was put his series into low box first gear set it moveing then get out of the cab they fekkin move then
Don't get me wrong I have no issue's with pulling over or even a bit of reversing when people are polite. It's just the people that think their tyres will explode if they get mud on them!
I have washed mine 3 times....

Once when i bought it to remove the moss

When my mate thought it would be funny to write "I love Cock" down the side of it in the mud :rolleyes: (Got my revenge... I put some chocolate on his moped seat.... You can see where that went :D)

And the other day when my Boss told me it was making the place look untidy :rolleyes:
Until a year or so ago I used to drive artics collecting grain from farms, 9 times out of 10 it was down narrow lanes. The number of times I met cars in the morning on the school run, and the drivers unable to reverse......... they obviously thought it was easier to reverse 44 tonnes than 1 or 2 tonne cars. One morning I met a woman and bratts in a BMW 4x4, she wouldn't reverse a few metres back up the lane and I had cars behind me anyway. So I pulled the curtains in the truck (sleeper cab), and turned off the engine :)

After around 10 minutes she was hammering on the cab door, I opened the window and explained that if she didn't reverse I would have to take my mandatory 45 minute break and she wouldn't be going anywhere.

By this time the guy behind me came to see what all the fuss was about, he was not in a compromising mood and told her if she didnt reverse back he would do it himself. In the end he did...... back up the lane, through an open entrance into a sodden ploughed field :D

Not sure how she got out, when I passed the BMW was sinking into deep mud complete with screeching bratts..........

Nice one I thought.
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