"not using cycle paths where provided,"

ill bite on that one because it grinds my gears the most.

UK councils ideas of cycle paths and provision are dangerous at best. with street furniture , drive ways crossing them , crossing junctions.

Dutch have it right

I will agree with you there top drive, cycle paths in this country are badly designed. However, it shouldn't take a genius to realise that sitting beneath me when I am signalling to turn left, isn't the best place to be. It takes just one inattentive motorist to burst that bubble and there are loads of them on today's roads.
For the record though, I'd just pulled away from the traffic lights, my headlight was on, it was daylight, and I was doing about 15 mph. There were 5 or 6 witnesses, and the car driver immediately admitted full blame and apologised. Despite all that, one witness claimed I had overtaken him on the stretch of road before the lights, which is a dual carriageway on the outskirts of the city with a 30 limit, at "something over 60mph". On an 8 year old Suzuki A100, uphill, on a rainy day? Highly unlikely! :rolleyes:

Well I had a GP100 which would pull a genuine 80 on the flat! Over 30 years ago!!!!!!
Loads of inatentive cyclists too... I wont pretend they are innocent....

Most of them dont seem to have that " defensive cycling" gene.....

Ive only been hit once and it was a prick trying to do a left right crossing of a main road between rat runs in a hurry....didnt see the 6ft 3 guy on the bike with 5 forward facing flashing and solid lights and a high viz vest coming towards him.
it would seem when I'm driving the 90 i have an invisibility cloak around it!! can't believe that people think it's not gonna hurt em when they get clobbered with the winch bumper n winch!!
Everyone should learn to drive in a series landy. I learnt in a fiesta as well as my 88" and the 88 is much better to learn in as it teaches you how to actually drive a car and read the road ahead

People will be in for a suprise if they pull out in front of one of them, the dont stop for anything

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