The sort of person who'd buy that are the same sort of person who end up doing a coil conversion. They make me a sad panda. :(
How very odd what worries me is the bloke selling is a taking a punt but some idiot will buy them so saving nothing as they will only last 6 months ish so new are 120 quid over say 7 years = less than 20 quid a year so where is the economy in that oh and plus time wasted
I agree with all the above in terms of economics and common sense, but applaud the guy selling them. If there isn't a market for them, they won't sell, simple as that.

eBay has made me realise there is a market for EVERYTHING, so anything you've got has a value to someone, almost regardless of how used it is.
They will be bought by a dealer who wants to move the vehicle on but needs to change the bags in order to get the EAS working - thus preserving over £100 of margin.....
They will be bought by a dealer who wants to move the vehicle on but needs to change the bags in order to get the EAS working - thus preserving over £100 of margin.....
If I were buying one of these heaps from a dealer, I would insist that all the airsprings were renewed if they were original, that applies to the L322 as well. All of them are past their life expectancy at 8 years old.
If I were buying one of these heaps from a dealer, I would insist that all the airsprings were renewed if they were original, that applies to the L322 as well. All of them are past their life expectancy at 8 years old.

At this end of the market I doubt a dealer would do that as a condition of sale. You may be able to negotiate a few hundred quid off the price but if dealers renewed every potentially worn out component on 10 year old cars they'd quickly go out of business. :)
Or people wanting to run their motors on the cheap.
Dunno what all the fuss about the price of new air springs is about....only around £70 a corner for genuine Dunlop and they last up to 7 years. Yet some don't think twice about replacing their tyres at anything up to & over £200 a corner !!
It is the same with bushes and shocks number of people who waste money on having new tyres and tracking done is mad mine has all good bushes and shocks ball joints etc and drives superb irrespective of tyre wear and pressure

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