
Active Member
I’m just doing these short videos in support of the Peaks Protest and I don’t have any official link to the organisations co-ordinating the protests. This is just a short piece explaining when the next protest is and to dispel some myths being propagated by our friends the ramblers!!

Peaks Protest 'Back to Tarmac' 25th January in Bakewell - YouTube

The TRF victory over the PDNPA & the Chapel Gate TRO could be short-lived because the Authority has a meeting arranged for the 25/1/13 at the PDNP Head Office in Bakewell to close it again.

I know its a Friday but its vitally important we make a lasting impression at this meeting.

The bodies figting against this require as many Trailbikers and 4 x 4 vehicles as possible in the carpark at Alderny House BEFORE 9.00am. '' (Peak District National Park Authority, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AE)

Every TRF Group, every motorcycle and 4 x 4 club, try and be represented and bring your vehicles (road legal of course) and bring your Club Flags/banners for identification as we will be on TV, in the papers and LRM are planning to write a feature on the event.

The purpose of this is to persuade the Authority that it will be easier to work with us than Ban us. We want them to stop wasting the publics money and sit down and talk with us...........

Tell your friends, tell the Ramblers, tell everyone we are coming to Bakewell on the 25th........more the merrier. Please post this on your forums.
I've had a few people say that these videos are more negative than helpful to this cause. I know you lot aren't short on opinions! Any thoughts?
I think its great, it highlights what actually goes on and not this '4x4 rally race car' idea that a lot of people have. Yes a few 4x4 owners are dicks but then there are dog walkers who have aggressive dogs, cyclists who barge people out the way and horse riders who think they always have priority, no 'group' is perfect...
I think its great, it highlights what actually goes on and not this '4x4 rally race car' idea that a lot of people have. Yes a few 4x4 owners are dicks but then there are dog walkers who have aggressive dogs, cyclists who barge people out the way and horse riders who think they always have priority, no 'group' is perfect...

That makes me feel a bit better. I was going to take it down because of the flack I got from a couple of blokes but just edited them out in the end!
#### 'em Lee... The amount of views and lack of thumbs down on youtube must mean something!

Yeah I guess so mate. That's almost a 1,000 people viewed the 2 protest videos so far in a week!

Ah well at least its getting the message out there!

Important venue update for the picket at bakewell

from Mike Rhodes

Dear all

I’m just writing to let you know that it has been decided that due to the expected high number of people attending the ARP Committee meeting on 25 January (for the Chapel Gate report) that it would be better to hold the meeting at a bigger venue. Therefore the meeting rooms at the Agricultural Business Centre (ABC) in Bakewell have been booked and the meeting will be held there.

Please feel free to publicise this as you feel appropriate.


Mike Rhodes

Mike Rhodes
Access and Rights of Way Manager
Peak District National Park Authority
Keep your eyes open for updates on this. It looks like the Park authority are running scared and are altering meeting dates and venues almost daily! I think the plan is still to meet and protest regardless incase they are trying to pull a fast one but the actual Chapel gate meeting looks to be another day now!
I would be in attendance if it wasnt for my anniversary and being away that weekend.
Trying to re arrange an appointment at work so I can go to this. How can you moan if lanes get shut because when you had a chance to stand up and be counted you did nothing.
If you can get a day off or can get there, make the effort.
Stand up and be counted!
Trying to re arrange an appointment at work so I can go to this. How can you moan if lanes get shut because when you had a chance to stand up and be counted you did nothing.
If you can get a day off or can get there, make the effort.
Stand up and be counted!

As far as I am aware the info in this thread is out of date. No doubt someone with more info will correct or confirm but I'm under the impression that the Peaks Park authority have now taken the TRO of chapel gate off the agenda and moved the meeting back to the original venue!

Sneaky tactics if you ask me as this is an example of how tough it is to get all the forums in synch! As it is, days off are hard to get. If this isn't the meeting about a TRO then do you go to this this as all the protest organisers are encouraging and maybe not make the important one?!!? Dunno!
As far as I am aware the info in this thread is out of date. No doubt someone with more info will correct or confirm but I'm under the impression that the Peaks Park authority have now taken the TRO of chapel gate off the agenda and moved the meeting back to the original venue!

Sneaky tactics if you ask me as this is an example of how tough it is to get all the forums in synch! As it is, days off are hard to get. If this isn't the meeting about a TRO then do you go to this this as all the protest organisers are encouraging and maybe not make the important one?!!? Dunno!

Thanks for the heads up.
So we need more info regarding this protest. Let's hope the OP updates the Fred.
I would love to be there. But not only am I on worcester (not that much o a problem) but me and reside have our 20 week scan and I can't miss that!

Hope plenty turn out. Need more 4x4 owners that actually abide by the 'green lane code of conduct' fighting the corner for us. There will soon be nowhere we can go to enjoy the lanes and fantastic scenery that would other wise be lost for all!
We Still have a Protest on the 25th January.

The story so Far.........

We won a court Battle over Chapel Gate and it was reopened. Victory Greenlaners 1 : PDNPA 0

Peak Park Authority announced consultations to close it again Meeting on 25th Jan. Greenlaners 1 : PDNPA 1

We respond with protest at Aldern House

Peak Park Get Frightened so they move venue because they don't want us trampling their early daffodils as they did not have room. Victory Green Laners 2 : PDNPA 1

We respond by Protesting at the new venue as well as Aldern House

Peak Park still frightened take Chapel Gate off the menu and move venue back to Aldern House. Victory Greenlaners 3 : PDNPA 1

We respond by Protesting At Aldern House.

Who's doing the running and Who's doing the waiting...........CHECK MATE I CALL IT.

Do not get complacent Chaps....the Battle is only really getting started.

The PROTEST IS STILL ON for the 25th January.

We meet at 8.00am ( if you can make it) 9.00 latest on Friday 25th Jan 2013 at

Peak District National park Authority
Aldern House
Baslow Road
Derbyshire, DE45 1AE

Were we will be on the gate as employees and officials arrive for the ARP Meeting that is not going to talk about Chaple Gate. At 9.00 we will have a Rally with some chanting etc cumulating in the handing over of an open Letter once again explaining that we have the right to continue using the lanes but we are prepared to help in the management of those lanes for the benefit of all users.

We will be leaving around 10 when the meeting starts but rest assured some of our members will be at the meeting to make sure they do not try to sneak any ROW business through (Because our relationship with the PDNPA is such that we cannot trust them). We shall ride through Bakewell, abiding by the law and split up into smaller groups and disperse through out the Peak district spreading our message. Stopping at towns and villages and showing of our signs and giving out some leaflets and explaining what we are about. All through the Day there will be an Advertising Trailer being towed around the main urban area's with our Point clearly displayed.

After which you can get in a few trails....

As usual....Road legal vehicles, considerate riding/driving within the law of the road........don't hold too many people up for long...normal speeds.

See you all at Aldern House on Friday. Thankyou for your support.

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