Just caught the tail end of this thread, not read it through yet but I will be in the peaks tomorrow - channel 10 reg M32 RKL - if u see me say hello :)
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There's always a 'ohhhhhhhh bugggggggggerrrrrrrr' echoing round the hills when the lads are out in their land rovers :p
Thanks for a top day out again boys (and girls!) was good to see some old faces again and meet some new ones! Thanks for erm.....leading al :crazy_driver: lol na you did a crackin job! Till next time :)
Pics to follow! :D
Cheers for great day all. Thanks for the planning and erm leading, AL. Sorry to steal your phrase Pete but it was so apt lol. See you all again soon I hope.
Yep, had a fantastic day. Mucho thanks to all and especially to Al for organising
and also thanks for letting my reverse gear get a good workout ;)

Pics to follow later.....

Well hope you all liked it, Dave I must take my hat off to you. Its bloody hard looking at the map and driving at the same time. Yeah there were a few wrong turns but hay "it was my first time"!
Funny moment when Lou didn't know it was an open mic when she was going on with herself.
But that little go for her up pindale made sure she's ready to come again!
Cracking day out with great company. Thanks lads and lasses. Till next time.
Big Al & Lou.
Did you have to go through a wooden gate first? Then enough room for about one car then a drop off?
If so that's Roych Clough and that's TRO'ed.

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