not sure were they are going yet but i am sure they wont mind ya tagging along, I will find out more details ie start time/location for ya
Peak District National Park Authority said:
Urgent Update – Roych blocked by snow

Can vehicle users please note that the Roych (GR SK092825 to 060837)) is presently blocked by heavy snow. Jenny Southwell, the Pennine Bridleway Officer, has asked us to make users aware that the route is blocked by snow, but motorbikes are entering onto the track - getting stuck, and then riding through the fields to get onto Chapel Gate - or riding through the fields trying to find a bit of Roych they can ride. The farmer has pregnant ewes in the fields - and he is very concerned.

Can we ask users to avoid using this route in the near future. We will advise you once the route is clear again.

Thank you as ever for your cooperation and please do spread this alert out to forums and user groups you know. Obviously contact us if you have any questions.

Richard Pett, Rights of Way Officer
Telephone 01629 816296

Stolen from LRUK.
hi im heading to peak district for day out sunday, i would be interested if there are a few meeting up to know where and what plans you have.
Roych Clough, Derbyshire - Blocked by snow



i saw aload of sweet looking landys around the place today :) would it be ok if i tag along on the next one? could someone please pm the details? i was also looking at your pics from pilsley off road centre have you got any more? it looks good and i'm not far away from it at all.

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