
Active Member
Ok guys who's up for a day out on the lanes on Sunday Feb 5th. It'll be a scratchy day taking in some of the trickier lanes that are still left, linked up with some easier scenic lanes.
Meet at the Yondermann on the A623 at Wardlow Mires for a 9.30 set off, so be there earlier if you want one of their excellent breakfasts.
First 5 to post below get to play, unless someone wants to lead a second group.
We'll come out with you in the 90 Ian, if that's ok.
David & Sally.
You are both more than welcome as always :) may be dropping you a PM just before the day to pick your brains on the legality of one or two of the lanes I would like to include. I know Brushfield will almost certainly be lost by then but was hoping to do the bottom of Two Dales, if still possible, among others.
You are both more than welcome as always :) may be dropping you a PM just before the day to pick your brains on the legality of one or two of the lanes I would like to include. I know Brushfield will almost certainly be lost by then but was hoping to do the bottom of Two Dales, if still possible, among others.

No problem Ian
Possible additions


They've told me they want to join the trip but wait til they actually put their names down to confirm.
Me and Ian as david mentioned will be definite thanks I don't use the forum much sorry and my dad will be hopeless on it
You are both more than welcome as always :) may be dropping you a PM just before the day to pick your brains on the legality of one or two of the lanes I would like to include. I know Brushfield will almost certainly be lost by then but was hoping to do the bottom of Two Dales, if still possible, among others.
We all set Ian? We are still good to come yeah?
Have we got a postcode for the meet up point in the morning at the cafe.
Here you go scally:p


And no that aint me in the picture :D
Can I stick my/our name down for this un if there is still room?
Not been out in a while, wont be a full-dayer as the young un will be with us but be good to get out again for a few hours ;)
Sorry guys I can't make it on Sunday, got to work. Not happy!
If someone else wants to lead then drop me an email addy by pm and I'll send you the route I had planned.

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