Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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My range rover is insured through AF, so when I had to buy a van for work i insured it through them. I have now got a new job on the cards and they supply a van. Rang Flux up to cancel policy as passed van on and was told need to pay£45 to cancel. Why this charge?
I had the same problem with Lancaster... Just let it run.

If had the money either way I would. Just seems that all insurance companies got you by the short and curleys. It same with our public liability, but we keeping that and our Gas Safe
U think thats bad, ive just had a policy cancelled because im listed as a director of a company.... £160 for 16 days cover :eek:
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All of them do this I'm afraid ... I cancelled one with the AA once, argued the toss with them, cancelled direct debit and refused to pay the cancellation fee and then 3 months later I got a notice of legal proceedings ... all for about £50. Had to pay it in the end :mad:
My range rover is insured through AF, so when I had to buy a van for work i insured it through them. I have now got a new job on the cards and they supply a van. Rang Flux up to cancel policy as passed van on and was told need to pay£45 to cancel. Why this charge?


Please feel free to pm me your policy number and a contact telephone number and I will look into this for you.

i had insurance for my mk1 golf through wise owl. i buy and sell my cars my cars every month questioned them when taking out policy they assured me it wouldnt be a issue. i got a quote for my freelander almost a grand cheaper than they wanted so rang to cancel it and got told i had to pay a cancelation fee of £458 was shocked didnt really.know what to do. i agreed to cancel it and then they took more than quoted out my account. emailed then and rang thwm they refunded it but the email.was writen 2 mins after the phonecall to bank so i was seriously pedd off.
never deal with them again.
They rang me back other day. it went down to 35. which should have been paid yeaterday but cheque i put in bank not clear till tomorrow so got pay then and hope they dont charge me for being late.but as far as im concerned my mortgauge comes first.
Thats bollocks, threaten them with the insurance ombudsman, it should only be about £10 I reckon at most
Just rang Sheilas wheels.... Moved house by about a mile... so I told them about it. My premium went up from £30 per month to £103 per month - needless to say I am looking around again... that's my budget for all my insurances let alone just the car (with 9 years no claims!) It's only a voyager for christ's sake!

Oh yeah and it will be £35 to cancel the policy if I do not like their quote!
Hold up!! I know everybody dislikes insurance companies but they really aren't as bad as you might think (mostly?)

Very often the cancellation fees are where you have chosen to pay your premium by monthly instalments. As I understand it, the insurance company loans you the money for the premium and you effectively enter in to a credit agreement and if you cancel the policy before the end of the cover period you are then liable to the cancellation fee under the credit agreement. If you pay for the policy in one go and then cancel it (assuming you make no claims) then the Insurer refunds the cost of the remaining months cover. With a monthly payment plan you still owe the amount you borrowed less what you have paid off if you see what I mean.

A word about the Financial Ombudsman (part of the FSA) - known as FOS. You can't generally go straight to FOS until you have complained to the insurer and their complaint handling procedure has not resulted in your complaint being satisfactorily resolved. Be aware that going to FOS can take a long time, I believe they have a bit of a back log. FOS may not uphold a complaint if it is satisfied the firm (insurer) has acted reasonably and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy you are complaining about and that the firm has followed the principles of business (look on the FSA website - they are listed there)

Hope that's useful.
All of them do this I'm afraid ... I cancelled one with the AA once, argued the toss with them, cancelled direct debit and refused to pay the cancellation fee and then 3 months later I got a notice of legal proceedings ... all for about £50. Had to pay it in the end :mad:

The difference is that Flux have made this charging an art form :( My Def 50th cost me around 9 months insurance when I sold it 3 months after taking out the policy. Daylight robbery in my view.

Could try calling them and saying you've sold your LR and bought a Veyron/Zonda etc. They'll say we can't insure and have to give all the remianing premium back....not your fault you see. Worth a try.
Had this same problem, rang insurers to cancel a policy as had sold the bike. They wanted to charge me to cancel, more than the total of payments left on the policy.
I said, let it run then, they said, you can't 'cos you sold the vehicle! Tossers.:confused:
The trouble i had was didnt have the money to pay the next months premium. When bank didnt pay previous months they charged me £50 and flux done me for another 25. so was shafted between a rock and a hard on.
cancelled a policy with nfu and had a cheque for return of premium within 5 days and no deductions or charges, obviously a good result then.

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