
New Member
Does anyone have an up to date pay n play days in Kent.

I know of Piccadilly woods & Mud monsters.

The 4x4 solutions closed down just after Christmas.

anyone have any others which would be good to try?
think thats about it mate... There is one just over the Bridge in Essex - not been there myself though
Ok cool thanks for letting me know. I'll give them 2 a go first before heading further afield

There's a couple of good sites down Sussex one is on this Sunday at Slindon down near Worthing very good site! Perfect for beginners or others looking for a challenge!
No problem. A couple of people i know went down there last weekend and had a good day out. Apparently, the site is keen to repel the pay n play idiots you find on other sites.

Went to the opening day - and impressed. More akin to Harptree than Ribbesford and is still a brand new site so routes still being made - "feel free to drive wherever you like to create new routes" was a fun invitation as the Chief grappled with undergrowth :003:

Trailer queens and comp trucks were there, and no nutters in shagged zooks - chatted to one of the owners for a while and he made it quite clear that 'any ####ing idiots are off site immediately, no warnings, just straight off' - which works for me. Had a good vibe.

Prob bout 40 trucks in the morning there which was I would guess the max at the moment although they have another field which will be getting a visit from a excavator very soon.

Will be v different in the winter. Got a sandy section. Wet section. Lots of little twisty bits. Its not huge but enough places to get stuck.

Burger van:D
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