you guys look like you had fun would have love to gone today but had to get ready and packed today off to florida tomorrow for 3 weeks.Matt hows the rangie did it give up in that ford
**** snigger ****

The Ford, the mud, the way home................

Thanks to patman for organising today another good days lanin, for some...
Fook it, even clives series made my limo look silly today :eek:

Yep, got stuck in the mud on the first lane, although i'm gonna blame my extra 8 inches over the discos for that :p
A wet king lead let it down int middle of one of the fords, although it sailed (not literally) through the others we did :eek:
And to add insult to injury the basxxxd thing broke down on the way home and is now dead :mad:
That text made me smile at the end of a very good day out.
First lane we got stuck in is now on my self imposed TRO list as too badly damaged to get through without further damage.
Our picnic spot was excellent for all the younger persons amogst us, who by the way were dead when their heads hit the pillows.
Looks like fun, well apart from the RR is it running again yet?

Think i've found the gremlin! after getting it home it would start and run for a few seconds then die again on petrol or gas, the coil was fairly warm and as it's the only thing i haven't changed in the last few months i thought it may that. started it tonight from cold and it idled for ages til i tapped the coil and it died straight away.. Hopefully just a duff coil :D

Well spotted Clive ;) it was indeed the back of the council offices and not a public toilet in sight when you need one :D

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