That landy I went to see might have had an indicated 225 thousand miles but the engine hadn't done that or the suspention either, still walked away from it though as I think its too much money!

I have looked at some silly money landys like you say 5-6k vehicles that need lots of work but the body shell is good so they think its worth daft ammounts, i may not know a great deal about them but I've bought enough second hand cars to to know when to walk away.

But then that is what this thread is all about, me ,my budget (£3000 by the end of this month) and my quest not to get ripped off :scratching_chin:

I am quite prepered to buy a cheaper landy and then throw some extra cash at it to bring it up to the right level over the summer and all i'm looking for is mechanically sound, a good chassis and a fair price the rest is just cosmetic
Like you say sometimes its better to buy a cheap solid 90 and spend some money on it . I've seen some solid but cosmetically poor 2k cars, and the opposite end some rusty holed shining examples, all that glitters is not gold. At least you haven't jumped in and bought the first one you've seen. This entry level defender ownership is more difficult than it seems good luck mate :)
Like you say sometimes its better to buy a cheap solid 90 and spend some money on it . I've seen some solid but cosmetically poor 2k cars, and the opposite end some rusty holed shining examples, all that glitters is not gold. At least you haven't jumped in and bought the first one you've seen. This entry level defender ownership is more difficult than it seems good luck mate :)

Cheers Rusty

I have to admit it is so tempting to rush out and grab the first thing you see, I think I'm lucky that the first one I looked at was such a horror that it nearly put me off buying one altogether :)

I am still very tempted by the snot green ex southern electric one down the road though
Before you part with any of your hard-earned, if you find one that looks reasonable and within your price bracket, put a shout out and see if a local forum member would be willing to go along and have a shufti.
Going to look at one local to me soon thats for sale via the girlfriends friend, only thing is its on a Q plate so not ure what that will do to the insurance?

Just waiting for some pictures to up load from the one I saw today as well
Right I've got the pics from todays land sorted, just not sure if I should bung them in here or start a new thread in the defender section?
Now this one on the other hand looks really good all over, good chassis, ok to good body and lots of toys, tax and test but is well over budget though it may be a maybe come the end of the month, its been to Africa and back but has had a lot of money thrown at it

be wary. I worked in Ghana for 3 years and we had a 110. The things they would use to repair things were mind boggling. And no they didn't use proper land rover parts
The green/yellow one looks a bit of a heap.

That rear x-member will need replacing soon as it looks like it's rusted out along its top.

As has been said it's about a grands worth.
I bought a 90 for £1500 knowing it needed work at least then you know what has been done apparently the early 90's and 110's where built better (thicker metal etc) and to be fair you'll have loads of fun sourcing bits for it but do yourself a favour get one with the newer engine 200 or 300 fitted already as that will eat your budget then its all about playing with it to make it what you want ;)
PS Avater is Frankenstein "the good one" and my other one "PLAN B" is on my welcome page which already had the 200 fitted when I bought it but I am making my summer fun car :D

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