ben waine

Active Member
That's right another bloody nutter on the roads, got the landy all sorted, taxing it today then I'm ready to roll!
Congratulations :cheer2::bounce::bounce::cheer2::bounce::bounce::cheer2:

Now's where you really learn to drive ;)

Just remember to treat everyone else on the road as a complete idiot and expect them to do the most idiotic things :rolleyes:
Well done...take it easy. First thing I did after I'd passed my test was to carefully park my bosses landy on its side on a wall!
well done mate now you learn to drive properly go and have fun with your landy :clap2:
That's right another bloody nutter on the roads, got the landy all sorted, taxing it today then I'm ready to roll!

Might be worth taking Pass Plus for insurance reductions. My kids both passed at 17 and did Pass Plus course to get 10% insurance discount
Had A look into the pass plus, made no differance on the insurer I went with, but at £1241 for my first year, I think that's (in comparison to what my mates pay) pretty cheap
It's a scandal what you youngsters have to pay. Back when I was your age I paid £107 iirc on a limited mileage. Oddly enough, when my dad stuck me on his policy it as a standard 60 quid more. But there you go.

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