
Well-Known Member
Hi there, recently had abit of an random problem with my pas. Every now and again it will just go really heavy and then abit later it sorts it's self out! I topped the fluid up and bled it (lock to lock a few times?) it's not useing much if any fluid. It's abit iffy now when it randomly springs up just before a corner and I can barely get round it!
Any ideas guys?
loose pump belt,or faulty pump or input shaft for box as has inner and outer and the torsion of turning the steering wheel gives you the pas
Got the same sort of problem with mine, think it's a U/J on the column locking up, going to be looking at it in a couple of weeks time, will report back on what I find.
Check belt, check UJ's, check the pipes for signs of oil leaks near the box & pump.

Loosen the top right bolt on the pump, then the two others and using a piece of wood, wedge it in between the pump and outer timing case and give it a nudge to tighten it, alternatively use the 1/2 square hole with a bar to do the same, then tighten the last 2 bolts back up, then the top right one ( all 1/2 or 13mm )

With the UJ's, loosen them up and remove, give em a good inspect and lubricate ( make sure you note which way you removed them, its a pain trying to replace them the wrong way around and mark em ;) ) UJ's are cheap enough so it's worth grabbing some new uns and fitting.

When fitting, make sure the wheels are aligned true and the steering wheel anorl, a good trick is to wedge a piece of wood from the dash and through the steering wheel onto the headrest of the seat, keeps it from moving whilst fitting everything.

Also check the drop arm bolt whilst you're there, make sure the tab is fine and check all linkages, any looseness will require attention, don't forget steering can be a funny fooker, what seems like one problem can be something totally different.
Ahh, mine does look really rusty! Yeh if you can report back that'd be great!

Quick update, changed the PAS pump yesterday which greatly improved the steering but didn't fix the problem, still seems to be stiff in certain places as if assistance has stopped, got underneath and noticed there are marks on the swivel housing in a couple of places, will jack the front up tomorrow and drop the steering linkages to see if the swivel itself is the problem.
Cheers for the replies guys! Forgot about this thread! It only seems to do it on first start when cold.. Sprayedthe uj's with abit of gt85, dosent seem to be much change..
Took a look at the swivels yesterday and both moving freely so that isn't my problem, what tyre size are you running Karlos?
hmm maybe, i did notice the ball joint that the steering damper is on is on quite a stretched angle! il look into it. as i say hto, its only when its cold, when i first move of a morn!

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