Hi all
My d2 v8 is leaking pas or ace fluid.
It is the side closest to the abs pump not the air box.
The low level side nearest to the ABS pump has the pas filler cap
on it is this correct ???? What side is yours have they been put round the wrong way ???????
It appears to be leaking near the pas or ace pump I can't tell which
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi all
My d2 v8 is leaking pas or ace fluid.
It is the side closest to the abs pump not the air box.
The low level side nearest to the ABS pump has the pas filler cap
on it is this correct ???? What side is yours have they been put round the wrong way ???????
It appears to be leaking near the pas or ace pump I can't tell which
Any help would be appreciated.

I think the one nearest the front of the car is the PAS but you're better off checking - it's written on the side of the reservoir, I'd go out and have a look myself but it's cold and dark
Power steering nearest the front of the motor

ACE nearest the windscreen

Thanks fellas
I thought this was the case, the caps are the wrong way round.
This would mean I am loosing fluid near to the ace pump then not the pas pump, oh goodie!
Has anyone seen any threads about this before I know it's common?

Thanks fellas
I thought this was the case, the caps are the wrong way round.
This would mean I am loosing fluid near to the ace pump then not the pas pump, oh goodie!
Has anyone seen any threads about this before I know it's common?


If its the PAS it will be the either the Pump seals or the pipe that leaves the pump.
Get your wallet at the ready!
Thanks fellas

This would mean I am loosing fluid near to the ace pump then not the pas pump, oh goodie!
Has anyone seen any threads about this before I know it's common?


Hi LRDII, I had a little of this recently and I found a problem with the pipe on the back of the pump.

I had the pump off whilst doing other work and the pipe retaining clip had bitten into the pipe causing a leak. I cut about 5mm off the pipe and reconnected it all and no leaks now.

Good luck


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