
New Member
Has anyone used a heavy duty type 110 clutch in a Discovery (200 Tdi with LT77). I was wondering weather it would fit and be a worthwhile 'upgrade' or not. I'll be doing the clutch arm mod whilst the box is out just wonderin about the clutch opinions and advise please.....
if a standard clutch can last for 70000 to 100000 miles why do ya need to fook about with one that ain't made for the job?

fit standard and plate the clutch fork;)
much cheaper an i'm sure you only want to do it once
Well I plan to do lots more off roading Mainly Greenlanes and probably lots of towing and recovery, so I thought a heavy duty clutch would be a good Idea - Problem is I cant find one listed for the Disco......
i think thats coz ya don't need one mate;)
the clutches are generaly good it's the forks that are ****e.

please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong
Well mines coming upto 180k so i'm guessing that'll be the second clutch so they cant be too bad I suppose. I just like the idea of making something better when the opportunity arises. Maybe your right it would be better to keep it simple (stupid) and fit another O.E one.
Just did my clutch, it must have done 60,000+ the plate was fine the fork looked brand new but the release bearing was totaly shot.

I tow a caravan and have been towing a 2t trailer and generaly abusing it!
You can get a HD clutch release bearing from paddocks and the like they are Ali instead of plastic and are supposed to last for ages Jai
Ditto Jai re: release bearing.

For HD clutch, look into the clutch fitted to the 130. I understand that has a slightly wider diameter fritction plate.
Ditto Jai re: release bearing.

For HD clutch, look into the clutch fitted to the 130. I understand that has a slightly wider diameter fritction plate.

The HD bearing carrier is from Rakeway, others such as paddocks and britpart do a poor quality copy

the 130 clutch is slightly thicker and has 8 pressure springs rather than the more normal 6

Flywheels, Clutch

and don't forget to reinforce the release arm with a lump of welded on metal at pivot point
but that's got the orrible plastic bearing carrier with it

It also appears to have a single row of rivets on the driven plate. I am unsure if this is an indicator that is is a standard plate but my HD unit (cannot remember from who) has a twin row of rivets holding it all together.


Most Clutches sold for TDI are sold as HD. It means absolutly Feck all like Dave and Sean are saying its the quality that matters and a rakeway release bearing and even a normal clutch will be adaquate even off road. If anyone regularly abuses their clutch by slipping it and really really snatching it alot mabe driving lessons would be more suited.
Right then Update time.

I went with an AP driveline clutch kit after looking at the britpart HD one and comparing the two The AP one looked and felt much better quality so despite being £25 more I went for that. The springs in the centre looked thicker the friction surface looked more even and it was a bit heavier and just felt sturdier.

A few tips from some one whos done it then.....

22mm diameter copper pipe about 6 inches long makes a good clutch aligning tool if you haven't got a propper jobby.

A scaffold bar through the driver and front passenger door windows with a strong ratchet strap makes a crude but useable 'crane' to lift the box.

If you can get/use an engine crane and have a mate help landie gear boxes are sodding heavy!

You'll also need a jack to support the transfer box end and it'll need to be a big one too especially if your cars on ramps as the litlle two tonne halfrauds ones wont reach.

It took me nearly three days in all to do mine mainly because I underestimated the weight of the bloody thing and couldn't physically lift it in place on my own hence the mate (Thanks Mick :) ) and 'scaffold bar crane' . More acurately it took 3 hours to get both props, the exhaust, slave cylinder and the box off half an hour to remove compare and fit/align the new clutch and the 12 hours strugglin to get the b*st*rd back on.

So it can be done at home with minimal equipment avoiding main stealers prices,I just wouldn't recomend it as three dents in the passenger side door of my car will be there forever caused by losing my temper in frustration.
If you REALLY want a heavy duty clutch fix up a TWO PLATE clutch like we used to do in the olden days.

The clutch cover is stepped clear of the flywheel on steel spacer tubes. You need to work out EXACTLY how far to step it out.

You use TWO centre plates (machine the splined bosses shorter) separated by a saw-steel plate that sits between them, and sandwiched LOOSE over the spacer tubes holding the cover to the flywheel.

You may need to space out the bell-housing a bit, but sometimes not.
You may need to adjust the release lever too.

It used to be a common enough trick until they worked out better friction materials, and that even a very small increase in the diameter of the driven plate makes a BIG difference in the clutch torque-handling ability. Two plate clutches should (in theory!) last twice as long. But I bet they don't.

Well I know I'm going to get flamed for this but I have had two clutches in my 200. They were both Britpart affairs. The second one was done free of charge because the new thrust bearing failed after 1000 miles (that is what they told me). When I scraped it and took the engine out the release arm was showing signs of breaking through after only 5k! They are shoight quality and i am not going near britpart clutches ever again!
Well I know I'm going to get flamed for this but I have had two clutches in my 200. They were both Britpart affairs. The second one was done free of charge because the new thrust bearing failed after 1000 miles (that is what they told me). When I scraped it and took the engine out the release arm was showing signs of breaking through after only 5k! They are shoight quality and i am not going near britpart clutches ever again!

I hardly think you'll be needing an extinguisher to put out being flamed for that!

More than a few may share your experiences.


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