
Active Member
Hello fellow Freelander owners.

After few good and bad months with my Landy I will have to part ways with her.
After loosing my job in January and spending my hard earned money to fix her in February I have been offered (and accepted) job with my girfriend's dad. He does loads of work with glazing, kitchens, bathroom and all sorts of other stuff. He will be putting 3rd van on the road so I have inherited 2011 vauxhall combo. Not the best but it's free from any finance on it. So will cost me absolutely nothing to run. As my missus have her own Mini Cabrio rustbucket I will be selling my Green Mean Machine. It has been eventful but short ownership.

But You guys helped a lot. And it has been a pleasure to be part of Landyzone experience. Love all advice and pun we all have in here. Hopefully she will find a good new owner. After she was cared and fixed small but significant problems.
Thanks again guys

And wish everybody happy Freelanding.

Best regards

I'll try to pop in as much as time will let me. I will have few little things for sale. Accumulated over bruef time.
Thanks again guys.

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