I am after a part number for the bolts to mate up the LT95 bellhousing to a 3.5, if anyone has it. Previous owner used studs instead of bolts in a couple places and I am looking to correct that and use bolts all around. Studs made it a pain to separate the engine from the gearbox.
I've never need them, but if I did I would look in the parts book, so try this link. http://www.allbrit.de/NAV.cfm?SPRACHE=EN&PAGE=452250

I wish it was that easy. I can't find the correct part listed in the parts catalog. I've been through the parts catalog using a similar link to what you provided (for Defender it's http://www.allbrit.de/NAV.cfm?SPRACHE=EN&PAGE=338364). Under gearbox and bellhousing, it lists the bolts to attach the bellhousing to the gearbox, but not for the bellhousing to the engine.

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