
New Member
Help! I have been given a Parrot MKi9200 and, as I'm quite rural there is no one near to fit this for me so I'm going to have a go myself. Problem is, I'm no expert! Is it just a straight forward connection to my 04 plate 1.8 Facelift hippo? Maybe someone can give me a clue?
Thanks Longbolt, I've checked that thread out, it confirms I needed a harness which I have bought, with all the wires it just looks like a nightmare! If anyone had some pics or a link to some that might be helpful?
Thanks Longbolt, I've checked that thread out, it confirms I needed a harness which I have bought, with all the wires it just looks like a nightmare! If anyone had some pics or a link to some that might be helpful?

Sorry Scotty,

Cant help you further mate. Looks a natty little device. Cant you phone Parrot HQ or whatever it is?. Looks like a cigar lighter power feed and audio clip job.

Maybe they could send you an installation guide?.

Hopefully there may be someone on here who has done the job on a FL1.
Nice one gaz,

The last Parrot i had used to poo everywhere and pull its feathers out.

Oww i miss poor Polly! (Not).

parrot reminds me of the monty Python sketch, ;);)

I aim to plse, lol

I've got bluetooth in my CD player and use that for phone calls

did have to get an adaptor for the steering wheel controls and was just the case of plugging it into the back of the CD player and very straight forward

even for me :D:D
parrot reminds me of the monty Python sketch, ;);)

I aim to plse, lol

I've got bluetooth in my CD player and use that for phone calls

did have to get an adaptor for the steering wheel controls and was just the case of plugging it into the back of the CD player and very straight forward

even for me :D:D

laff!, tell me about it with the Monty Python sketch!! :D:D

It does look fairly straightforward installation wise re the whole thing. Once you have the power feed, it should be a "Simple" matter of getting line in and out (He says!).
laff!, tell me about it with the Monty Python sketch!! :D:D

It does look fairly straightforward installation wise re the whole thing. Once you have the power feed, it should be a "Simple" matter of getting line in and out (He says!).

yes famous last words , but we can sit back and have a nice relaxing cup of tea :D:D
u been spying on me again , lol , about 10 mins then it's tea time again ,

like me cup of rosie lee

I just cant drink that much anymore, as i got my prostate gland from Britparts :(

When i were a lad, i could knock a tin over from 30 yards (allowing for windage).
I just cant drink that much anymore, as i got my prostate gland from Britparts :(

When i were a lad, i could knock a tin over from 30 yards (allowing for windage).


I can't drink coffee as it gives me the shakes , only drink decaf tea now

always nice having a cuppa and watching my son working away on my landy :D:D
Ive got one in my corsa. Not hard to fit at all. Drop me a message of you need any help although dont know anything about hippos

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