Just in case any don't know me/the car, this is me/the car:


I will wait up top til about 9.15 maybe 9.30ish if I get there late and I will have extra forms with me for anyone that wants one from LZ (or mates etc)

Cheers :)

Same as the marshal channel.

always good to find out where the rollovers are, keeps you entertained!
I like 10 cos it's a great commentary that covers the whole site.

Once spent a whole afternoon chasing around to see disaster after disaster, was a good laugh, rain was ridiculous that day though so it's was mayhem :D
I will be in the l plate 200tdi.
Mr N will be there at 9.15.
Whee do you call the top? I only know I go past tong garden centre and it's there on the let ain't it?
I'll come n introduce myself but I'm not playing haven't had any experience off road, my lad usually does all that stuff lol although I do want to learn

I am no expert, it will be my first proper attempt tbh, so hoping someone can stop laughing at me enough to tell me where I am going wrong lol
Just if anybodys onterested got 20 metres of winch cable I can fetch woth me brand new I swapped it for synth.

Il be there arou d 9..big yellow disco