who's off to parkwood this sunday?
i'm liking these weekly visits...
i'll be there bout 9.30 to get a bacon butty before start time..
i'll stick to channel 24 unless someone else usin it... i'll just go up from there til i find an empty channel.. so start at 24 m8 and work ya way up til ya get a reply...
how did the vids from sunday turn out?? ya gonna stick em on utube wiv a linkey??
wanna watch me wheels tryin to grip air.. did ya pick up the thuds from bigc2011's water splash??
hmmmmm.... burble:5bdrool5:
oh yes but where i normally go ,(to the right)until i get some lockers onall good m8..
you ever gonna get the urge to drive the lake again at parkwood?