
New Member
Morning All,
A quick request for opinions. The other day I stupidly parked in a disabled spot (due to misreadsing the sign) and got a £50 ticket.
While looking at it, it seems the doofus ticket man got the last digit of my plate wrong. I've gone to the website and put in my reg no. and there is no record of it.
Any thoughts more than welcome,

As you dont own the vehicle in question, the parking ticket is not for you, surely?

Or rather, it wouldnt be if you hadnt admitted liability on a public forum :doh: :D
Good point. Do you reckon the car park people have spies trawling the forums. I'm optimistic though coz if he can't read a reg plate at 2 yards maybe a pc screen might cause problems too!!
Good point. Do you reckon the car park people have spies trawling the forums. I'm optimistic though coz if he can't read a reg plate at 2 yards maybe a pc screen might cause problems too!!

Supermarket parking tickets aren't enforcable in law unless they have very clearly stated that by using their carpark that you are entering into a contract with them whereby you agree to abide by all their rules and regs and the penalties imposed if you don't. Just a notice saying that a fine of £xx will be enforced for parking where you shouldn't isn't enough. Most supermarkets and car clamping companies are waking up to this and put very clear signage up. Those that don't haven't got a leg to stand on. Also these are a civil matter between you and the supermarket owner. As such you might be able to argue that DVLA were acting illegally by divulging you're personal details to a private individual. (One for the solicitors I think)
hi, dont thay take a photo of each car thay dish a ticket out to??? just a thought.:confused:

I think they do. I have seen them taking lots of photos of cars with tickets. I contested mine once and said they had a photo of the car and described it from the photo. Dont know if they actually had a photo or were just reeling off details from DVLA database but didnt want to push it!!
Morning All,
A quick request for opinions. The other day I stupidly parked in a disabled spot (due to misreadsing the sign) and got a £50 ticket.
While looking at it, it seems the doofus ticket man got the last digit of my plate wrong. I've gone to the website and put in my reg no. and there is no record of it.
Any thoughts more than welcome,


I just pity the poor beggar with the number on the ticket.
It's his problem, you don't exist.
Good point. Do you reckon the car park people have spies trawling the forums. I'm optimistic though coz if he can't read a reg plate at 2 yards maybe a pc screen might cause problems too!!

Morning All,
A quick request for opinions. The other day I stupidly parked in a disabled spot (due to misreadsing the sign) and got a £50 ticket.

Maybe you should get a job as a traffic warden then? :rolleyes:
lesson learnt but I think this one's a free lesson.. the ticket you have been given isn't valid whether they have a picture of your car or not.. keep it for 6 months in case they try and come after you for it then if they do appeal on the grounds that the ticket is incorrct.. THEN DON'T PARK IN DISABLED BAYS..
i USED to work for NCP ltd, arseholes!! cough cough! and if your number plate is writen wrong it's NOT VAILD! :) wether they have taken your pic or not, which car park was it in

also maybe the guy that booked you didn't want to book you, but had a boss with him, so put a wrong letter

(i've done that loads of times)
hi, dont thay take a photo of each car thay dish a ticket out to??? just a thought.:confused:

Not usually if it's in a supermarket as it's a private matter between the supermarket and the driver. It'll be a private parking enforcement company that has issued the ticket not a proper parking warden or police officer.

If your consience is troubling you, wait till they can no longer enforce the ticket, then tell them to refund the bloke they did fine.

Would they take you to court knowing that their original evidence was flawed?

i USED to work for NCP ltd, arseholes!! cough cough! and if your number plate is writen wrong it's NOT VAILD! :) wether they have taken your pic or not, which car park was it in

spot on!! i got a ticket last year for a car park in Bournemouth and the last 2 digits of the reg were written the wrong way round on the ticket. tried to pay it online and there was no record of a ticket being issued to my car, so foned them up to sort it out. told them the reg of my car and was told there was no record of it at all so the ticket was invalid.

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