
New Member

Anyone got any recommendations please

And yes I know you should not need them ha ha ha !

Parking sensors? Really? It's just that Ken doesn't sound like a girl's name...

Lots of choice where to get parking sensors (Main Dealers, eBay, Independant parts places). Not a great deal to choose between them (except price!) but I wouldn't bother with ones with LED "visual" displays. A nice simple beeper is all you need.

Some people have claimed problems when fitted together with a towbar - Do a search on here for more info.


dunno about problems with a towbar. Fit the towbar instead of the parking sensors, then it'll touch before your bumper.

(This is not a serious suggestion and is merely for humour)
I was told when having a towbar fitted to my ES-X that it would need to be a removable towbar because it affects the reversing sensors - but I never removed it and had no problems - so it might just be a con to get yu to fit a more expensive tow bar. If, however, you dont have a tow bar - it dont arise. just get a set orf of fleabay - dead easy to fit.
As said earlier, dont bother with the systems that have the LED's. You only need to know your getting close, you should still be looking round therefore you wouldnt be looking at the display.

In addition, if you go for the kits with fwd parking sensors, put a switch in line because you end up with beeps every time you pull up behind a car in a cue.

Or get yer missus to stand behind yur while you are reversing.......when she screams its time to stop
Hi folks can anyone help with a problem i have with my factory fitted rear park sensors.
Usually the below happens,
When i engage reverse it makes one normal low tone beep which is usually followed by the same tone of bleep when reversing and nearing an object which shortens to a constant sound when close enough.

This now happens,

When i engage reverse it makes one single low tone bleep, followed by a 2-3 second high pitched bleep then silence, even when reversing up to a garage door.

Anyone shed any light, the car is still under warranty, would just prefer to have some info before i go back to them.

One thing you can check is to turn the ignition on and put the car in reverse. Go round the back and put your finger on each of the sensors. You should be able to feel a slight pulse in each one which indicated the sensors are working. If none are pulsing they are not getting power. Check your reversing lights too - These provide the feed to your sensors.


Got mine from CARWOODS in Coventry, £100 cheaper than "Stealers" and has beeper & flashing LED, wouldn't be without it now, it locates objects you can't even see in mirrors, I can even use mirrors only to park.
I went to good old Halfords - large store mind - four parking sensors, with flashing light sensor as well, plus the beep beep, 199 squids .... and wait for it, wait for it that included fitting by them as well!
That sounds like a good price, I'm an lecky , thats why I did it myself, altogether I think it cost me something like £130.
I got the real kit from a dealer called lakeland land rover who get hold of genuine parts a bit cheaper!!

I paid £120 for the kit and fitted it myself. works a treat! :)

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