I very much doubt they will be able to govern this on cull de sacs etc. Fair enough on main roads but some times there is no option. If I'm not mistaken you're not allowed to park facing the wrong way either but how often do people get fined for it?
Try living on a new estate, nowhere to park at all other than the one parking space per house, useless if you've got a big fooking transit for work plus a car as well...

What is stupid is that one side of the road has cars fully on the road, but on the other side the cars have to park that far on the pavement it definitely obstructs it...if both sides parked slightly on the pavement the fire engine would get through (unlike one mooring when we all got woke up at 4am) and the pushchairs would get through.....

As for parking in a cycle lane last time I checked you're actually meant to park in it unless theres separately marked out parking bays
i ****ing hate ****ing cyclists!
dont **** em then:eek:

some people round here park with 4 wheels on the pavement:eek: which i admit is irritating on blind corners. we get alot of problems when the footy is on in the village cant see out the bloody drive cos theres cars parked allover the pavement!
Fook off and park on the road! Cars are hard and pedestrians are soft and pedestrians need somewhere safe and car free!

you wanna see it round here oddie if you did youd know fookun damn well why i and most other residents park on the pavements and grassways
its due to the pigheaded tw@ts that work at the hospital who dont want to pay £35 per annum for a hospital parking space but will walk the 1/4 mile from our street to the hospital instead

you really need to try and get off my street at 7am to set off to work if you can get off yer driveway you wont get down the street due to it being blocked by nurses and such leaveing their cars running in the middle of the road while stood in someones garden telling the homeowner hes a **** fer haveing a legal driveway then blocking the homeowner in

whats more the speed these ****s hurtle round here i have actually tailed one just to see how quick she was moveing 40mph and this road is residential and restricted to 15 mph because a lot of kids live and play here

now the critical dimentions taken from me mate with the theodolite

pavement each side of the road 7foot from boundary to kerb and 12 foot from kerb to kerb meaning it makes sense for people with vans and large vehicles to park on the kerbs as long as we leave 5 foot for the prams and mobility carriages to get past

this is backed up by tony burns who is our local mp and has approved this behaviour for our street and the next one due to the hospital parking problem
we are also to recieve a new driveway on evry house this spring

so oddie think what you will bout me or what people like me do but dont mouth off without all the facts and do a fookin search will yer:eek::eek::eek:
Imo people should never park on the pavement, no matter what. If the road isn't otherwise wide enough for the emergency services to drive through, then people shouldn't be parking there anyway and the council should address the matter in one way or another. If they don't/won't, then that doesn't automatically entitle you to park on the pavement. You just gotta deal with it and park somewhere more appropriate. There's no real justification for parking on the pavement. If there's a problem, such as a narrow or busy road, or an obstruction then again, people should get the council to deal with it. Parking on the pavement doesn't solve the problem, it just creates another. Not only is parking on the pavement a nuisance, it also poses a greater risk to blind people and may obstruct those in wheelchairs or mothers with prams etc. At the end of the day, pavements are for walking on, not for driving or parking on!

Btw, if you see people parking on the pavement, take a picture of the car in question with your phone and report it to your local council.
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There are lots of streets in Cambridge where there are parking spaces painted up with more area on the pavement than on the road itself because there is so little space! Add to that suicidal cyclists who will actually attempt to splatter themselves on your vehicle. I have never been anywhere like it!
you wanna see it round here oddie if you did youd know fookun damn well why i and most other residents park on the pavements and grassways
its due to the pigheaded tw@ts that work at the hospital who dont want to pay £35 per annum for a hospital parking space but will walk the 1/4 mile from our street to the hospital instead

you really need to try and get off my street at 7am to set off to work if you can get off yer driveway you wont get down the street due to it being blocked by nurses and such leaveing their cars running in the middle of the road while stood in someones garden telling the homeowner hes a **** fer haveing a legal driveway then blocking the homeowner in

whats more the speed these ****s hurtle round here i have actually tailed one just to see how quick she was moveing 40mph and this road is residential and restricted to 15 mph because a lot of kids live and play here

now the critical dimentions taken from me mate with the theodolite

pavement each side of the road 7foot from boundary to kerb and 12 foot from kerb to kerb meaning it makes sense for people with vans and large vehicles to park on the kerbs as long as we leave 5 foot for the prams and mobility carriages to get past

this is backed up by tony burns who is our local mp and has approved this behaviour for our street and the next one due to the hospital parking problem
we are also to recieve a new driveway on evry house this spring

so oddie think what you will bout me or what people like me do but dont mouth off without all the facts and do a fookin search will yer:eek::eek::eek:

I have the facts. They are really simple! If you park on the pavement you are breaking the law whatever the reason and you are (and deserve to be) fined! If you google parking on pavements that is what you will discover so don't mouth off with yer fookin whingeing and do a fookin search yeself!:eek::eek::eek:
If i didn't park my work van up on pavements when making deliveries I would cause even bigger traffic jams than there already are in this city!
But the question int whether it's right or wrong, it's whether it's legal or illegal, which are distinctly different things!
It has to be right for loading otherwise i would have to park the van 200 metres away and carry everyones bleeding shopping to their front door! And when they buy juice, milk and bottled water it gets very heavy!!

I guess that's not so bad because it has been designated as a parking area by the council. You can see that the pavement is much wider than your average pavement, so the council probs saw that as justification. Point is that they have clearly designated it as a parking area.

Though, imo it would have been better to dig up half of the pavement and convert it into road but I guess that would cost a lot of ££££££££££.
I guess that's not so bad because it has been designated as a parking area by the council. You can see that the pavement is much wider than your average pavement, so the council probs saw that as justification. Point is that they have clearly designated it as a parking area.

Though, imo it would have been better to dig up half of the pavement and convert it into road but I guess that would cost a lot of ££££££££££.

That is a relatively wide road for that part of town, most of them don't have the dotted lines designating parking areas
A padestrian walking down the road hears a noise and turns the head to look and walks into a car parked on the footpath who do they claim against for injury.Parking facing the right way is on main roads and must display a parking light at night.On our street at the other end they park both sides of the road and a fire engine would not get through but they have driveways.Im with my dad on this one "I would never buy a house without a driveway being the owner of a car".

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