
Well-Known Member
But my daughters dad has bought a freelander 1.8 petrol :doh: he is havin prop shaft removed at the garage (20 quid) to make it 2wd, what he wants to know is how easy it is to grease and oil the diff and wheel bearings? This is his question ive copied it from a text. :D
Ok so no diffs they have viscous unit... what if this fooks how much for replacement, he has been told 400 quid.
But my daughters dad has bought a freelander 1.8 petrol :doh: he is havin prop shaft removed at the garage (20 quid) to make it 2wd, what he wants to know is how easy it is to grease and oil the diff and wheel bearings? This is his question ive copied it from a text. :D

Consider yourself pardoned mint's,Still no excuse though :bolt::behindsofa: :D:D
wheel bearibgs cant be greased they are sealed units ,rear diff can have oil checked by level plug on rear pan ,pan needs removing to drain ,ird unit (transfer box )has drain and filler on rear of unit ,both are better with regular oil changes, rear diffs can be rebuilt cheapish if caught at first sign of trouble
He says that it has had the upgraded head and coolin system . So what else can go wrong :D :D
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Just about everything. Get him to join ere.

I suck the oil out of the rear diff rather than remove the cover thing. Easier. But I accepts yer don't get every last drop of oil out.
Originally Posted by Hippo

Edited just for fun:dance:

I suckle the s**ts that right old dickers like to nibble

Do you mean replacement VCU and bearings? If so, enquire at Bell Engineering. They fit recon VCU units while you wait and are very reasonable. Got mine done a month or two ago.
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