
I just took my new Beast on a trip to visit my Father (5 Mins away) and let him see the Freelander for the first time.

He has been an Agricultural Engineer all of his life (retired now) so can't resist checking everything out.

I have a 'Sometimes' Rough 2.0 TD (P38) Engine, most of the time it runs perfectly and then it's rough again - this has caused some debate.

I have performed the 'Diesel Purge' with great success (I used Wynns Injector Cleaner).

BUT, I have a strange smell from the Exhaust - to me it smells of Paraffin !

I have a 'Tappet' noise from the Engine I will investigate later but for now I wonder what can a Diesel P38 Engine run on?

My Father seems to think that my the 'Smell' is an indication that somebody could have filled this up with Heating Oil !

I came across this Vehicle with half a Tank of Fuel, I have no idea what it is BUT it does smell like Diesel (by sniffing the Gazole Hole).
I just took my new Beast on a trip to visit my Father (5 Mins away) and let him see the Freelander for the first time.

He has been an Agricultural Engineer all of his life (retired now) so can't resist checking everything out.

I have a 'Sometimes' Rough 2.0 TD (P38) Engine, most of the time it runs perfectly and then it's rough again - this has caused some debate.

I have performed the 'Diesel Purge' with great success (I used Wynns Injector Cleaner).

BUT, I have a strange smell from the Exhaust - to me it smells of Paraffin !

I have a 'Tappet' noise from the Engine I will investigate later but for now I wonder what can a Diesel P38 Engine run on?

My Father seems to think that my the 'Smell' is an indication that somebody could have filled this up with Heating Oil !

I came across this Vehicle with half a Tank of Fuel, I have no idea what it is BUT it does smell like Diesel (by sniffing the Gazole Hole).

Isn't your diesel fuel Coloured in the UK to detect tax avoidance? Or is it heating fuel that's coloured? Check for colour. Others will explain that point I'm sure.

There are many articles on diesel motors running on oil from 'chip' shops - aka veg'e oil. I believe it can work well in the warmer seasons but needs to be thinned with some petrol [ yes petrol] in winter. Most also run a blend of regular diesel and the oil.

Rough running: could be a dirty / faulty injector. Does it start first pop after preheat with no smoke? = Good. White smoke = poor preheat. Black exhaust smoke = unburnt fuel [over fuelling] and could mean dirty air filter.

TD motors can be a bit tappety, but not overly so. It's the nature of the motor. However, it could also be the incorrect grade of oil in the motor or oil in need of a change. See how it is after and engine oil & filter change.
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Yes confusion! I believe you have an L Series 2.0D Freelander - do you have a P38 RR as well?

I presume as you posted in the Freelander section this does relate to your L Series.

My L Series also sounds 'tappety', but its the fuel pump not the motor.

If you've got a rough running engine that got a lot better with cleaning additive, then presumably it is the fuel system giving problems - and the likely candidate is a/the injectors. Don't rule out the fuel filter though, or even the pickup in the tank, especially if it has been run on something bio/veggie.

I wouldn't think its the pump, as rough/erratic problems for that would probably be electrical and wouldn't be affected by a cleaning additive.
are you sure your smell is not a gas like smell if it is it will be coming from your rear diff they smell like that when things are going wrong and the oil is getting hot in there change the oil.
It's reasonably easy to tell what type of fuel is in there by simply draining some out of the filter/ sedimenter. Red is pink diesel (paraffin) or heavy heating oil. (This is illegal). Yellow is kerosene or standard heating oil. (Also Illegal) And clear, maybe with a faint purple/ blue tinge is standard diesel. If you see black or dark coloured fuel, someone has added old engine oil to hide what is in there. (Understandably also illegal)
The fuel colour is there for spot check purposes only. All fuels have a specific chemical marker added to combat fuel laundering.

As for the P38 engine, I've no idea. However a Freelander diesel is fitted with a cat which makes the exhaust smell different. The smell emitted is even different between cold and running temperature. Cold generally has a distinctive waxy smell. Hot smells close to burned natural gas.
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It's reasonably easy to tell what type of fuel is in there by simply draining some out of the filter/ sedimenter. Red is pink diesel (paraffin) or heavy heating oil. (This is illegal). Yellow is kerosene or standard heating oil. (Also Illegal) And clear, maybe with a faint purple/ blue tinge is standard diesel. If you see black or dark coloured fuel, someone has added old engine oil to hide what is in there. (Understandably also illegal)

Red is agricultural and plant diesel, sometimes know as "gas-oil".
I once bought a Td4 that smoked badly . (turned out to be a split hose) . Anyway, this had a strange paraffin smell too. When I had a garage look at it the first thing they said was the diesel had been contaminated - with injector cleaner. I quizzed the previous owner who admitted that he used copious amounts of injector cleaner as it seemed to help with the smoke. It smelt like this for ages afterwards - weeks even, and you could always smell it when you took the fuel cap off to re-fill.
It could also have been run on chip fat or home made bio diesel. Paraffin is used to thin these out.
I'd run a couple of tanks of diesel through it and see if the smells still there.
Ah, RealBeale - you got it.

I did a Diesel Purge with Injector Cleaner, that explains it :)

The Diesel that was originally in it looks legit, interesting comments about the Cat causing the natural Gas smell too - its been a really interesting Thread so thanks everyone for your input.
It is in the south. Here in Northern Ireland its pink like the rest of the UK.

sorry I for got to say southern Ireland also the td4 should not be using chip fat or any other fat as the engine is not recommended by LR to use it on.

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