
New Member
:) Hi all on a rainy Friday.
Have decided to keep my Stage 1 109 V8 and use her for festival work. I intend to tow a trailer tent and will be fairly well loaded with dogs and gear and was wondering if any of you have parabolic springs fitted and what you thought as i've never been in a landy with them on.

Cheers, Nick.
general consensus seems to be either "fookin brilliant" or "fookin waste of time" depending on who yu speak to. Dont seem to be any middle ground.
Ithankyou for your replies.
I have to change them, they are heavey duty and v old and about as springlike as a concrete floor and i don't remember how smooth (pardon the pun) standard springs are.

Cheers, Nick.
in my own experience Marcus' series is considerably less bouncy than my Dibnah. He has a pair o bollix and i got std springies. but that cud be due to other fings than the springs.
Save yerself a few quid & stick new standard springs on & maintain them properly. Read a thing in one of the mags this month about wrapping them in gaffa tape! Bluddy stoopid if yer ask me!

I've got parabollix & pro comp gas shox on mine, look nice, dunno if they improve anything. Think they tend to cause more roll cuz of being softer. You maybe get a bit more travel too, but if yer just hauling heavy stuff aboot I'd say stick with standard or heavy dooty leafers.
Ya rekin I'm 'arder than you then Daft?

Fort they wuz softer, maybe me gas shox damping the bounce more?
Ya rekin I'm 'arder than you then Daft?

Fort they wuz softer, maybe me gas shox damping the bounce more?

think yu cud be rite - if they was softer (initially) they wud absorb the movement better - and the gas shocks cud reduce the rebound - they is deffo betta than mine (when it goes).
Er, yeah, what you getting at Darft? I ain't rubbing ice cubes all over your tats & snorting charlie outta yer navel FFS!
Righto then, are there stronger standard springs for 109's as apposed to 88's or are they the same item?

Cheers, Nick.

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