
New Member
Evening All,

Apologies if this is a weird question but is there any routine maintenance to parabolic springs I should be doing? I've just invested in some car ramps so I can get underneath and give a proper clean to the chassis, but should I be doing anything to the springs? Clean off the crud and remove any rust? Should they be oiled or lubricated anywhere? I don't think they are in bad condition just need some TLC.

Thanks very much for your help.
Shouldnt really need lubricating but wont hurt i suppose! Normal leafs do as the leafs are closer together and can rust together
you could coat them in old engine oil for aesthetics, but leave a board underneath until any excess has dripped off or you may get your ear bent by the doris :D.
Ideal way is an old oil n petrol mix. The lower surface tension of the petrol takes the oil right into the space between the leaves.
you could coat them in old engine oil for aesthetics, but leave a board underneath until any excess has dripped off or you may get your ear bent by the doris :D.

Thanks Joe - unfortunately too late for that; ear well and truly bent because of the Landy "marking her territory" with drops of engine oil and other assorted fluids!
Just blast out any mud from between the leaves from off roading. I suppose they should be clean like the rest of the underneath to reduce moisture against the metal, but so long as they are painted they should be OK.

Mine have around a 1/4" gap between the leaves.
Ideal way is an old oil n petrol mix. The lower surface tension of the petrol takes the oil right into the space between the leaves.
Parabolic leaves don't touch like conventional ones.


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